The entire world has been hit quite hard by the Coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic. As of April 11, 2020, according to the current figures from John Hopkins University, there have been 1.7 million confirmed cases of the virus, 102,857 deaths, and 377,746 people have recovered.
The disease is highly infectious, and many people have been asked to stay at home. Countries that have been affected by the virus are imposing quarantines and focusing on social distancing to tackle the pandemic.
The pandemic has caused a rapid change in consumer habits and spending. As more people retreat to their homes to avoid the COVID-19 epidemic, they are increasingly turning to e-commerce to get basic necessities, such as medicine, immune boost systems, cleaning supplies, and in some countries, toilet paper is becoming a gem.
People are wary of leaving their homes, so they prefer home deliveries. Most affiliate programs dealing with consumer goods, safety protections, and health products are having to deal with a significant increase in demand.
Although it is a time of crisis, it provides a great opportunity for affiliates to make money from health products, streaming, adult content, etc. Google Trends graph shows that there has been a significant change in search trends due to the changing consumer trends. The changes could affect the entire world for several months, and you should be flexible to ensure people feel good in isolation.
As mentioned above, most of the businesses have dropped dramatically in organic traffic; some offers are declining or stop working at all. However, there are some profitable verticals for the affiliate marketer to run during the COVID-19 pandemic that will fly high.
Adult and dating
Adult dating is demanding right now since many people are locked down without getting a chance to meet their friends. Now, this is the right time to try your luck here online and meet your significant other.
Although Adult dating people continue to communicate, some premium CPA networks such as TopOffer provide offers like dating, making the network more lucrative for you. Some of the advantages of joining online dating include exclusive bonuses and daily payment, among many other benefits while staying at home.
Online dating is growing exponentially during the quarantine period; hence many adults have opted to use offers with video chats, live chats, senior dating, adult push, and WebCam offers. Over the last month, adult content has risen to 50%, hence increasing both traffic and conversions during the pandemic. Adult content will help you to create traffic and make extra money while staying at home.
In this sector, the demand for finances offers such as credit, cryptos, and insurance has increased dramatically over the past few weeks. Many people who have absolutely nothing to do to make more money while sitting at home during this global pandemic.
Notably, this niche may be a good choice in the conditions of unstable economy as well. Remember, in every crisis, there is an exciting opportunity to make things better. People are looking for a safer solution during the coronavirus outbreak.
Now take advantage of this crisis to make extra-profit while staying at home. Bt be sure you focus on high performing verticals according to the current trends to achieve high revenues.
Nutra is the largest segment of the CPA networks that provides health protection and dietary supplements in the world. Virtually every person is highly conscious of their health right now during this period of standing up to the coronavirus pandemic, which significantly raises the demand for Nutra offers.
Over the past few weeks, this niche has experienced an increase in both traffic and conversions.
Nutra products have a high conversion rate due to the current global health situation.
When people stay at home, there are limited physical movements. It is highly likely that more people will be worried about their weight. Nutra offers essential weight loss and other health needs. There are a lot of vitamins, supplements, and health offers to make a fortune.
Nutra is one of the most reliable CPA networks globally. Many people run to these offers, including immune boost such as vitamins, supplements, sanitizers, and face masks, which could give high conversion during COVID-19. You should protect yourself in pandemic times.
Streaming is the transmission of audio or video files from the server to the client. Especially in these hard times, many people are running to the streaming offers, including mainstream Twitch, VOD, adult cams, TV shows, and adult gaming while sitting at home due to coronavirus outbreak.
Over the past few days, the demand for streaming offers has dramatically increased. Social distancing and self-isolation are trending in the social media right now, making streaming traffic and online activities to increase. These offers can encourage you to visit online gaming, mobile games, betting, casinos, and consume more videos and streaming services.
A great moment has come for the gambling, and poker campaigns that are worth starting right now. You can try this opportunity during the corona pandemic and make a profit while indoors.
Sweepstakes offers run greatly at all times, and they have always been stable even during such a turbulent period of corona pandemic. More people are running to these sweepstakes offers such as gift cards, games, adult content to promote items during this quarantine.
Sweepstakes offers have been ranked the most popular and best-performing verticals in affiliate marketing. Notably, sweepstakes offers have different offers, including single opt-in, double opt-in, mobile subscriptions, and credit card submit.
Now you should note that this is the right time for you to earn more profit while staying at home with sweepstakes offers. These niches are good, reliable like a rock, low budgets, and affordable for beginners.
Make money online and work from home
If you are looking for secure and intuitive ways to make money online, you can stop your search because hot offers got you covered. You need more money during the quarantine period, now try these lucrative offers, including ClickBank offers on how to make dough from home.
Many people have lost their jobs because of the corona outbreak, and now they need a way out. Opportunities for making money online and working from home include investment offers, online education platforms, and courses, blogging, freelance writing, filling the survey, and job listing sites.
While working at home, you can receive payment through Web-Money, PayPal, Payoneer, Visa MasterCard, and wire transfers and e-payments. Attractive online payments make the affiliate program a can't-miss-opportunity!
Now, you can work remotely from home and enjoy meeting your beloved family members and pets more often. This global pandemic of COVID-19 creates a huge pool of opportunities in the field of work from home and makes more income online.
The coronavirus outbreak has been trending in all social media over the past few months. The latest news trending on Social media is on how to prevent spreading and fighting with Coronavirus.
It has been noted that wearing a mask has become the latest trend. Coronavirus scares people all over the world. In the time of emergence and mass panic, valid and accurate information is worth its weight in gold.
You should know to take care of and protect yourself from COVID-19. Let's not panic and know which safety offers are the best you can run at the moment due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Safety offers include medical advice, psychological advice on how to cope with stress and panic, and how you can stay healthy while stuck at home and health care and insurance; however, you can find these safety offers in premium CPA networks like Nutra segment. In case you need to help medical help, you may use NHS 111, an online coronavirus service.
Also, you should know that anything sold right now gives you comfort and safety. While we're still in the early-stage where safety goods have increased the demand, these profitable niches with high potential for affiliate marketers will be a hot cake in the upcoming months.
Communication software
Communication software helps users to establish a connection to another network, mobile device, or computer. Also, they enable the user to access the systems, exchange files, audio, video, and text messages between different computers.
Regardless of the social distancing caused by the coronavirus outbreak globally, people desire to access their friends. In addition, as they work from home, they may need to make some video calls, and one must look appealing.
The demand for communicating devices has significantly increased over the past few weeks. Here are examples of communication software you can run during COVID-19: Zoom, slack, and Hangout referral programs.
Moreover, communication software offers, including app downloads, are a great way of promoting all kinds of offers and earning profits while stuck at home. Offers you can promote using communication software are online dating, gaming, health and fitness, and trending news during home isolation.
Survival kits
The globe is being brought to a standstill because of the coronavirus pandemic. However, panic is reaching new heights every day, and things begin to go out of hand. The UK government and health and social care system have prepared guidance for you, by providing advice about the COVID-19, how you can survive in the time of Coronavirus.
The offers associated with the worst and survival include sick pay eligibility, emergency kits, military flashlights, E-books and guides on how to protect yourself from the virus, and emergency food and water supplies.
Now we have already seen that offers allow you to establish a more comfortable working environment at home, hence getting more and more traffic. Unsurprisingly, these offers are also a good choice to earn more profit during this global crisis.
VPN and Antivirus
A VPN is a virtual private network, allowing a user to create a secure connection to another network over the internet. Antivirus software is also commonly known as anti-malware software. Antivirus detects and prevents malicious software from your computers such as viruses, spyware, and adware. With most of the lives moved to online reality, Antivirus and VPN are hot cakes now.
Due to the increase in online entertainment, streaming traffic, and high internet usage, the demand for these utilities is growing rapidly. In a turbulent time, when you are confined to stay at home, there are many new exciting opportunities arising for the affiliate marketing sector.
This is the right time for you to make traffic using VPN and Antivirus. You have an opportunity to make more income when millions of people are forced into quarantine.
Remote work equipment and home improvement
Considering many people are spending more time at home, they want to create comfortable conditions for both working and living. The demand for products such as office chairs, keyboards, headphones, and tools for renovations and decorations have increased rapidly over the last few months.
As more Americans prefer to stay at home and make purchases online instead of physically visiting stores, home improvement offers could be your best solution.
You can spot the highest converting niches in the "House Repair" search filter. It will enable you to take this exciting opportunity of the highest converting niches due to its popularity.
Key Takeaways
The global crisis of COVID-19 has caused a significant shift in online sales. Some niches will experience a significant reduction in sales, while others will experience a significant increase.
Search engine trends in Yandex and Google are changing significantly.
The demand for medical supplies and household items is spiking, and it may reach an all-time high soon. China, Europe, and the US are experiencing the highest cases of the Coronavirus. It means that more people will be spending time at home to avoid exposure.
Physical distancing and healthy lifestyles will be key in the fight against the pandemic. As more and more people spend more time at home, affiliates must be flexible and find offers that will make people stay at home more comfortably.
As mentioned earlier, health, safety, online activities, and consumer goods have experienced a spike in demand. It is essential to sign in with the affiliate programs that will allow you to take advantage of the change in consumer demand.
Coronavirus has shaken up consumer behavior and businesses on a large scale. Most private and public sectors are fighting the spread of the pandemic. The impact of the virus on affiliate marketing is varied. While some have experienced a significant drop in sales, others have not seen a difference and some are even experiencing a sudden spike.
Regardless of the crisis, there is an opportunity to make some really good money. You should first understand what is happening in the global industry and how the consumer’s behavior change. The Coronavirus has interrupted the global supply chain. The current trends indicate that many people will be spending time online until the situation gets better.
You should be able to take your place in the market and make a profit. Statistics show that people are spending more money on health, supplements, and household items. The top 11 ranked profitable verticals are some of your best options to make a fortune this year!
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