Affiliate Software Voluum Review: 2019 Definitive Guide

Voluum is one of the most powerful trackers out there. That is why Affiliate Valley has provided you with a definitive guide on how it works, why you should use it, hidden tips and tricks, and every other thing you need to know about this tracker.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 66 months ago 0 42771 14 min

Tracking your actions is one of the most important things to do as a person if you want to be successful. This will give important information on what direction your life is moving. This same ideology can be used in the media buying process. There are many software that helps to track the campaigns you are running and Voluum is one of the best. 

With Voluum you can: 

  • Get extensive data analytics from organic and paid traffic acquired across numerous sources (also Facebook and Google).
  • Know everything about your campaigns including your audience's device types, GEOs, connection type, browser version, etc.
  • Direct your ads towards relevant audiences using advanced targeting and rules.
  • Optimize Ad performance for conversions via automatic A/B testing.
  • Protect your traffic from bots by detecting suspicious visits and clicks and spotting unrealistic conversion times.  
  • Set up personalized alerts to immediately know when something changes in your campaign performance. 

In this article, we are going to be reviewing Voluum which is one of the best trackers out there.

The Voluum tracker gathers info from all partners, arranges it, and gives you everything you need to know when analyzing your statistics.

Pros and Cons of Voluum

Voluum Review


This tracker was created by an ad network called Zeropark. This implies that it was made popular by affiliate marketers because it worked so well and served their needs. 

It’s fast

Voluum is one of the fastest trackers nowadays. This is because it has 6 multiple data centers  across five continents. This way, there is a possibility to redirect users to the nearest data center.  These multiple data centers and 100% uptime since 2015 ensures no click loss when tracking your campaigns.

Also, there is another advantage of having 4 data centers which are that they will always be running. If one of the data centers encounters an issue, there are 3 more to back it up. 

It’s cloud-hosted

Self-hosted affiliate trackers equal hidden costs like complex setup, constant updates, security breaches, and much more. With Voluum, newbies can simply focus on optimizing and scaling their campaigns. They will not need to spend money on separate servers like they would have to with a self-hosted tracker. Also, it is possible to use a cloud solution in other countries because it has CDN around the world. For example, if you are located in Europe you can target audiences in Asia with delay. Delay can affect your profit negatively.

User-friendly interface

One of the most important things about any software's interface is user-friendliness. The easier it is to use, the better. 

Variety of data 

Data is power. This is why Voluum provides users with a variety of data that are important for analyzing their campaigns. With over 30 data points about every impression, visit, click and conversion, you can go as granular as you need. All that can help you male more profitable decisions For example, if you notice that a particular device is causing you to lose money, you can just cut it off in your traffic source. 

You can work with others

It is possible to invite your partners and co-workers to work with you on your campaigns. To do so you can create separate workspaces across your account and grant different access levels to your teams.


Voluum offers a split-test option when you are working with Single Offers. This implies that the same traffic will be redirected to different offers. From here, you can see which one brings in more profit. With this, you can then drive all your traffic to the best or most profitable offer. 

AI-powered Optimization Tools

You can automatically redirect traffic to the best performing offers, landing pages, and entire paths. Once this is done, you will start generating more income because more traffic will be driven to the right campaigns. 

Full Support 

Advanced platforms can give you the world, but figuring out how to use them on your own costs you a lot of time. This is why Voluum offers a vast amount of free educational materials at your disposal like video tutorials, 1on1 onboarding, step-by-step guides, live webinars, and blog articles. On top of that, there is the Voluum Guide waiting for you in the panel. Make sure to go through all the steps, especially if you’re a newbie.  


As Voluum has a built-in DSP Platform and is natively integrated with Zeropark, a high-quality Push Traffic Source, you can buy traffic hasslefree. 


It's a little bit pricey compared to other competitors but it's solid, reliable  and has really great features 

Voluum Platform Overview

Creating your account in Voluum is super easy, so you won’t have any problems there. Once the account is created and you log in, you will see a pop up with the Voluum in-panel guide. This short tutorial will help you understand how to move smoothly throughout the platform and set up your first live campaign. We recommend you to go through it. 

The first view you will see in Voluum is the dashboard. On the Dashboard, you can check the stats of your offers and campaigns. The overall results are displayed on a graph that is easy to analyze. 

You can also view your overall performance at the top.

The Dashboard shows you Views, Clicks, Conversions, Revenue, Cost, Profit, and ROI for any selected period of time. 

To the left of the screen, you will find information about your top 5 campaigns, countries, offers, and traffic sources. And to the right, you have the graph. 

Even though the dashboard is very informative, you won’t use it very often.

The most important thing is the "Campaigns view". To access the campaigns click on the Campaign tab. 

There, you will be able to see the main menu panel.

Now, we are going to walk you through how to set up our Voluum account and launch the best campaigns. 

In the campaign tab, you can view all your active campaigns with their stats. 

There are also a variety of parameters to check including Impressions, Visits, Conversions, Average CPA, CPC or CPM. 

Voluum Review

When you click on any of your active campaigns, you will see its stats. This will help especially when you are doing split-testing. It gives you information on the campaign’s performance. 

You can also check the stats of your landing pages for each offer by just clicking on the offer. 

There are so many different parameters to analyze your campaign performance. For this Voluum provides users with filters.

Get acquainted with the filters to help you create better campaigns.

For example, if you are running an offer in different countries, or you are advertising a Smartlink that has different offers for these countries, Voluum gives you the opportunity to see more details. You can even check the behavior of different OS in each country. Take a look at how the filter looks like:

Your stats:

From the image above, it is clear that you will be working with tree-structured filters. 

This tracker provides you with sorting options like Affiliate Network, Brands, Browsers, Browser Version, City, Connection Type, Conversions (click id info), Country, Day, Day of the Week, Device Type, Hour of the Day, IP, ISP, Landers, Language, Mobile Carrier, Models, Month, OS, OS Version, Offers, Referrer, Referrer Domain, or State/Region.

You can also set custom variables to help assess your campaigns.

Another interesting feature that Voluum offers is that it is already integrated with many different traffic sources. All you need to do is to select the one you need and set the offer link. In the Traffic source tab, you can view the list of default traffic sources. 

Selecting one of them (for example, ExoClick) from the traffic source tab in advanced settings, will show you the parameters that are already predefined. 

The parameters will show up on your filters and you can view their full stats.

You must set your offer link correctly for this to happen. 

Adding new traffic sources on Voluum

The first thing you need to do is to set the traffic source in the traffic source tab. For this, click New traffic source.

Voluum has already made templates for traffic sources, so you can choose any one of them. If the one you are looking for is not among the templates, then you can manually integrate all parameters. 

Voluum Review

You have to input the name of your traffic source, provide its parameter names and tokens, and submit its postback URL. The postback URL is provided by your traffic source or is included in the traffic source template.

Let us check an example using ExoClick.

ExoClick is among the predefined templates. This means that its parameters and postback URLs are automatically set. 

To set up your postback correctly, you need to replace the word REPLACE from the traffic source postback URL with your goal name. If you want to get cost information from Exoclick automatically, you can perform integration in Voluum settings.

Apart from that, all tracking parameters and tokens are already configured:

  • custom variable1 – campaign ID;
  • custom variable2 – variation ID;
  • custom variable3 – domain;
  • custom variable4 – site ID;
  • custom variable5 – zone ID;
  • custom variable6 – category ID;
  • custom variable7 – country;
  • custom variable8 – format.

All of this is important because you will be able to see the stats filtered by the parameters passed from your traffic source. This makes it possible for you to better manage your campaigns by stopping the offers that are not doing well or concentrating on the ones that are bringing in the most profit. 

Integrating Voluum with your Affiliate Network

This process also has predefined ad networks for you to choose from. If you select any of the ad networks to present here, it will provide you with a general postback URL that you need to input in your affiliate network. 

Setting up your offer in Voluum

Before you add a flow, you need to create an offer. There, you need to input information on the Name and URL of the offer. 

You will be able to sort by country and check the performance of each on Voluum’s stats. 

How to create the Flow

Flow is an element that defines traffic destinations. You can use the same flow in many campaigns.

It helps you to decide on how your traffic should be distributed. 

For example, if you want to split test, and send traffic to several offers, you can create many paths for your traffic in the Flow tab. 

It can even determine what percentage of traffic will be sent to the offer.

With this, you are able to channel most traffic to the offer with the best performance. Also, you can send a smaller amount of traffic to offers that you are testing. This will help you know their potential. When you see that the offers you are testing are performing well, it is easy to redirect your traffic. 

In the section, you can choose to use direct linking or not. The direct linking option sends your visitor to your offer directly, without sending them through a lander.

Without the Direct linking option selected, your visitors will be directed to lander before reaching an offer. You can rotate different lenders to determine which one performs best. You can also manage the percentages of traffic sent to different lenders in the same manner as for offers. 

The Flow section has another cool feature that lets you create your own rules on traffic redirection. You can set them on conditions like Brands and Models, Browsers, Connection Type, Country, State/Region, City, Day of the Week, Device Type, IP, ISP, Language, Mobile Carrier, OS, Time of the Day, Referrer, User Agent, and Custom Variables.

For example, there may be an offer that works well for other OSes except for iOS. And there may be another one that works only with iOS. Here, it is possible to create a path and redirect all traffic to the first offer. 

Creating your campaign on Voluum 

Creating your campaign is easy. Here, you need to and define traffic destination. Also, we recommend that you leave the “Country” tab empty. It can be changed later. 

First, select the traffic source that you have created. Then provide a name for your campaign and select a cost model. You can select between the CPM, CPC, CPA or Revshare cost models.

If your traffic source platform supports sending cost information in a token, select the Auto option as your cost model.

Now, in the Destination tab, you need to define your traffic destination. Select the flow element that you have created previously or define paths with landers and offers that will be specific for this campaign.

When you have chosen the predefined flow, you will be reminded of how your traffic will be distributed. 

Once you save your settings, a campaign URL will be generated.

You need to submit this URL to your traffic sources as the destination offer URL to be able to start sending traffic to an Offer. This will help to track all your data on Voluum. 

Voluum Review


We are sure that you cannot wait to get a taste of this wonderful tracker. Use the steps described above to start running your campaigns. We have provided you with enough information to make your experience smooth. Once you keep on using, you will explore and find other settings that will help you create better and profitable campaigns. We wish you the best of luck!

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