- Offer: Erogan
- Bundle: Partnership pre-lands and one landing were used
- CPA Network: Leadbit
- Traffic Source: Facebook (Target)
- Period: 1.08.2019 - 11.11.2019
- GEO: Italy, Romania, Czech Republic
- Spent: $ 19,600
- Received: $ 49,046
- Profit: $ 29,446
- ROI: 150%
Hello everyone, the NPPR Team is in touch and today we want to show our small case on an adult on European GEO. We started our way on Facebook in the CIS for adult offers. Just in the summer, we decided to leave the CIS and settle in Europe. Actually, we also continued with an ad on the Leadbit software. The guys warmed us with good bets and a great approve. This case is the result of our campaign at 3 GEO: Italy, Romania, Czech Republic.
Technical part
At our campaigns we used the following set:
- Aezakmi browser;
- Mobile RU-proxies (own farm);
- Accounts that are bundled with Aezakmi;
- Cloak
Actually that's all :)
How we did it
We ran it in a bunch of pre-landings + landing. We didn’t do anything supernatural, we just took the pre-landings that the Affiliate network offers, processed them a bit and put them into work. Pre-landings with a tough approach and candid photos showed themselves best. All the time we ran it into one pre-landing, which was simply adapted for all GEOs.
We used different creatives, tested many approaches. In conjunction with rough pre-landings, the following creatives showed themselves well:
The creatives give the following indicators on the audience. The CTR ranges from 10-25% on average.
But some creatives gave up to 50% CTR, but such approaches did not last very long but managed to give leads:
The campaign strategy is quite standard. 1 CBO campaign, 3-5 adsets, 1 ad in each adset. For the convenience of controlling the price of the lead, auto rules were used that disable expensive adsets. We also used the auto rule to increase campaign budgets by 20-30% once a day.
We used the accounts that come along with the Aezakmi browser. They proved themselves well, so we did not see any reason to look for something else. A little farm and the thing is done. By the way, the browser itself also works very smooth, in conjunction with mobile proxies it never failed, and the price is nicer than other solutions on the market.
Well, this is off topic :)
Accounts did not live very long, compared to whiter topics, but on average they managed to spend $300-500 from 1 account, some lived for $800-1000. Actually, everything worked according to the principle “If it works, then do not touch anything” :)
Now there is a tendency to rise in price. Leads have become more expensive, accounts are getting banned more frequently, but in general, you can run ad with a profit.
Screenshots of Facebook offices were hardly found since now everything is banned very famously.
Here's what we managed to dig out recently:
The screen with stats from the Leadbit:
As you can see, the average approve rate for the three GEOs that flooded amounted to 55%, for which special thanks to Leadbit and our beloved manager Mila, who will adjust the rate and answer all questions and quickly resolve everything :)
Despite the fact that Facebook makes it more complicated, there is a potential in the adult offers and we will continue to work with it. Thank you all for your attention :)
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