How to Run an Offer From Scratch – Angles & FB Strategy

Without many words, watch and learn how to get started with the affiliate marketing from scratch.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 75 months ago 0 4906 12 min

Affiliate marketing is getting super duper hard, gone are the days of rip n run.      

Sadly NO ONE is willing to sit down with you, and explain how to run offers so they make profits worthy of your time and money investments.  

I’ve experienced it, you experience it every day I bet when you try and reach out to someone, and they give you ‘advice’ which is nothing more than a few bullshit words — usually along the lines that you just gotta test,test, test man.  

Dropshipping from Aliexpress is dying, Youtube gurus are switching their love for Shopify, Oberlo and China Based Drop shipping to ClickFunnels (as they pay crazy good commission, plus the tool ain’t that bad just slow..).  Funnels are nothing new, but the genius behind the SAAS tool made it a cult hit. What it is, is a glorified landing page builder where you make a lander for a specific product/offer that sells its benefits, and basically satisfies and handles any/all objectives a visitor might have to sell the product – then when they click buy it now, it goes to a single product checkout with upsells.

These up sells can be bulk discounts if they order more,  addons like lets say extra cables if they buy a fast iPhone charger like my friends kwikcharger product, or downsells that could be a phone case or holder.     

Buttom line,  focusing on 1 product/offer is the next big thing in affiliate marketing and ecom. CPM prices are getting high, people are getting bored of shitty ass products from sketchy shopify stores where they have to wait WEEKS for the product so affiliate are pivoting to this new trend. 

Today, I am going to try and help you with the problem of getting started from scratch. I am going to explain what I believe it the secret to success when it comes to these new 1 product funnel type of ecom offers and those are angles, and unique targeting.

See, sadly – most of the gurus you see, or courses you can take focus always on SCALING what works. That’s easy as fuck.  When something works and you are making some money, throwing more money to test shit to scale that is a no brainer, you aren’t going in the red, you are going up and increasing your sales by re-investing the profit that is already coming.      

But what if you have limited funds, $1000, $2000, $5000 to get started? If these funds run out you are fucked, you have NOTHING to scale, so their scale scale scale teachings at these expensive masterminds is pointless and irrelevant to you.

You need to know HOW to take your limited funds, and turn it into something that will break even at least so you can work on taking your break even product and increase the AOV (average order value) or LCV (lifetime customer value) to bring you to profits. 

They don’t teach this, I really wonder why. But lucky for you,  I am going to share with you a strategy to take your hard earned cash you saved up, and invest it, so that your work doesn’t go to waste and you start making money.. 

But before I jump in, let me tell you a quick story about a friend.   My friend has been a true friend for many years. I met him like 5 years ago, when he reached out to me and said he owns nutra offers in EU. When he met, he was the first and only guy I ever met that whipped out his laptop, and showed me everything.  Numbers, figures, strategies, how they make money with trials as an advertiser, what to watch out for, so on so forth. He was so open I was shocked. You probably know that most people don’t share SHIT. I don’t know why that is, but he was definitely a breath of fresh air.

In exchange, I showed him how to promote his nutra offers using BH strategies, and he ended up making multiple millions in revenue to his own offers getting CPA at $4-6 dollars vs paying networks $36 per CPA.

Anyhow, so we became real friends because he’s the kind of person I really like. Honest, open, and to the point – no bullshit that he’s killing it 24/7 and lying through his teeth, living in his moms basement and driving a leased vehicle to impress the aff boys that think bullshitting is the way to success.

After MC and the other providers started coming down HARD on MIDS and what not (that’s another story) my friend decided to sell his nutra biz and take a break. During his break he decided he wants to make HQ quality products. So he had a custom made backpack designed and invested a fortune to make it work. HQ website for $7000, product development for $15,000,  warm up campaign on Facebook Ads for $6000. A kick starter specialist agency for $3500 / month retainer and so on. Sadly his product failed. 

His product failed because even if your product is super high quality, and truly awesome it doesn’t mean its a winner. His product was very niche, and quite expensive – not a mass market appeal. His failure was due to this;  no mass market appeal, and no real benefit – plus it was a brand new brand, unknown so there was no brand power. Sadly the project is a failure, and he invested so much of his money to learn an expensive lesson. Some say, if he would’ve spent all that FB ad money on influencers on IG by doing reach out to travellers, and pretty university kids then it could’ve gone a long way. Who knows.

Why am I telling you this?  

It is all part of finding a winning product my friend. So, when picking offers/products you need to go through a matrix to see if it has mass appeal, if there’s a large enough audience to market it to; that will potentially buy it.  

This is what the scaling gurus don’t teach you,  the foundation of how to crawl before you walk, and how to walk before you run.

If you read my blog, you read my failed attempt to make a compression sock work in LATAM. We’ve tried every trick in the book but failed, I spent over $2000 to test it which is HUGE for that area considering clicks are 1/3rd cheaper than in Tier1 geos. My logic and strategy behind  throwing so much cash at those geos was to see if Facebook can optimize and find buyers if you spend a lot. I wanted to try because a lot of people in Skypegroups say oh you gotta let the pixel work for you. Well it didn’t work. So that’s kind of a myth.

I surveyed people that go to the checkout page, and most of them said they didn’t buy because they do not have credit cards, and the offer itself didn’t offer them the local payment methods they are used to. Plus there was a hick up on the landing page,  it was designed poorly and made people think one sock cost $79 (even tho that was a bulk discount special, but people don’t read the fine print).  

Anyhow,  back to the drawing board.   

I’m adamant at making ecom work, because I know guys that are doing insanely well – and trust me these guys aren’t making money teaching courses about scaling, they are super underground, even Facebook/IG is private and they really pick who is their friend that can see into their lifestyle.  

They are the private jet, luxury houses, lambo owner rich affiliate types everyone wishes they could be.    

Their secret isn’t a weird trick on Facebook.

It isn’t an insider at FB or Google so they can run uncompliant stuff and not get banned.

There is no HACK like free traffic from a chrome extension, or a magical backend fraud rebill that people’s cards get dinged on after they buy a shitty made in china product for $7.99 on their online stores.

They do one thing, and do it very well.   

Ready for it?

They come up with unique angles that they target to a specific group.

Unique angles are everything. It is what encourage people to share, like, comment. And that kind of engagement is what results in cheap clicks, and huge profits for them.  

When you do a shopify store, if you get 30% profit margin after all COGS u are doing amazing. With the power of unique angles to a single product funnel these guys are getting 80-120% profit margins (that’s 180-220% Return on Investment)

The secret is unique angles. 

I can tell you, not a lot of people – in fact 99% of affiliates don’t bother with unique angles. They think it’s hard, they aren’t creative, or they are plain out lazy.

However, those that do make the 1% money – achieve things every affiliate marketer dreams of – LAMBOS or as others call it FUCK YOU MONEY.       

We are going to come up and cover a strategy on how to come up with angles that can be targeted to a group.   

The product we are going to be working with is compression socks.  

Let’s pretend I have never seen this product before. I don’t know nothing about it, or what its benefits are.   

The first thing I will do is head over to google, and type in “the benefits of compression socks”

Right away over 9 million pages of results come up, and I click on the first one which is entitled “Discover the 5 Benefits of Wearing Compression Socks”

and I begin writing notes based on the article…

  • varicose veins
  • spider veins
  • pain
  • fatigue
  • swelling
  • itching
  • burning
  • leg cramps
  • promotes blood flow 
  • helps slow vein decease 
  • decrease risk of blooth cloths

We learned what they help solve; and some benefits that are preventative.

Now the next thing we need to do is brainstorm and answer some questions, these questions start out with basic ones, and as we begin reading stuff on Google we can add more Q’s to answer to it to improve our understanding:

WHAT causes varicose veins and who is affected the most?

  • AGE 

Women are more likely to develop it because of hormonal changes. Taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy can increase risk of it.

  • Obesity
  • Standing or Sitting for long period of time

According to Chicago vein institute, over 50% of the USA population over 50 years old has varicose veins. Women that have a BMI of 25 or more have an increased risk.

WHAT are the symptoms of it?

  • Veins that are dark purple or blue in color
  • Veins that appear twisted and bulging; often like cords on your legs
  • An achy or heavy feeling in your legs
  • Burning, throbbing, muscle cramping and swelling in your lower legs
  • Worsened pain after sitting or standing for a long time
  • Itching around one or more of your veins
  • Bleeding from varicose veins
  • A painful cord in the vein with red discoloration of the skin
  • Color changes, hardening of the vein, inflammation of the skin or skin ulcers near your ankle, which can mean you have a serious form of vascular disease that requires medical attention


  • Ulcers. Extremely painful ulcers may form on the skin near varicose veins, particularly near the ankles. Ulcers are caused by long-term fluid buildup in these tissues, caused by increased pressure of blood within affected veins.A discolored spot on the skin usually begins before an ulcer forms. See your doctor immediately if you suspect you’ve developed an ulcer.
  • Blood clots. Occasionally, veins deep within the legs become enlarged. In such cases, the affected leg may swell considerably. Any sudden leg swelling warrants urgent medical attention because it may indicate a blood clot — a condition known medically as thrombophlebitis.
  • Bleeding. Occasionally, veins very close to the skin may burst. This usually causes only minor bleeding. But, any bleeding warrants medical attention because there’s a high risk it can happen again.


  • Exercising
  • Watching your weight
  • Eating a high-fiber, low-salt diet
  • Avoiding high heels and tight hosiery
  • Elevating your legs
  • Changing your sitting or standing position regularly
  • Compression Socks

Now that we know a shitload of things about the product, and its benefits and potential complications/scary stuff that can happen if people don’t act to treat it.. we can go on to brainstorm WHO we will be targeting. 

  1. Women taking birth control pills — can they be targeted via FB? if yes how, maybe by targeting the names of the most popular birth control pills?  Or websites about birth control, or groups?
  2. MOMS and MOMS to be – how can we target them?  How about baby sites, how about new mom websites, how about baby brands, how about online baby/kids stores?  What about using facebook’s advanced targeting options that is for new parents?
  3. People doing a lot of walking at their job – targeting them by job title, for instance NURSES, I know nurses is a HUGE niche in t-shirts, you can get ideas on what other job titles are big on FB using a tshirt spy tool like teeview…  
  4. What about women doing a lot of running? They can be targeted through various I love running and other groups/interests on FB.   
  5. What about overweight women?  

OFC there’s many, many more potential audiences that can be targeted. But let’s work with these 5 from above to come up with angles how to get the message across.    

Anyhow, I’ve been an aff marketer for 10 years or so, so I know SCARY emotions work best. That’s why we are going to focus on scary to get our message across.

#1  Women taking birth control

Women taking birth control are 37% more likely to develop painful ulcers and irregular bleeding in their legs if they do not act to RIGHT NOW to prevent varicose veins from forming. Surgery after the fact can cost tens of thousands of dollars, but right now there’s a solution for less than $30 that can help. 

Her legs looked like they were from a horror movie and when she consulted with her doctor he said it was because she’s taking birth control. Dr. recommended she uses PRODUCT-HERE to make her legs look beautiful again.

#2 – MOMS and MOMS to be

My doctor was shocked when he saw my legs!  He said it’s some of the worst vericose veins he has ever seen. When I asked why do my legs look like I am 90 years old, the Doc explained that pregnant women and new moms develop these kind of ‘ugly legs’ where the veins show because blood circulation is diverted to the fetus and the healthy development of the baby. When asked how to fix it, he said there’s two options – an expensive one that can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and an affordable one for less than $30. I went with the latter, and after 8 months of regular use my legs look amazing like before (according to my husband)

With 4 kids, my legs have gone from sexy to totally ugly and I no longer wear skirts to hide them from the world.  When I looked into why I developed what doctors like to call vericose veins I quickly learned it was because of my past pregnancies. This product helped fix it.


How do these feet look? Not too appealing right? These are varicose veins and 57% of nurses in the USA suffer from them. Some say it’s because of too much sitting, same say it’s because of too much walking but everyone agrees that they are not a pretty sight. Left untreated they can turn out to be the most painful thing ever and even cause complications like blood cloths to form that can result in VERY EXPENSIVE surgeries and hospital stays. There is a working solution to prevent the pain and get rid of the ugly apperance that costs less than $30.     


Only runners will understand the high. Nothing is more fun than going for a run. Sadly, there is a BIG problem that can end the fun over night. Vericose veins. When beautiful legs turn all ugly with veins popping out making walking near impossible due to the pain.  It all starts out with minor, spider like veins becoming visible on the legs and feet and can develop into an all out nightmare. The solution is painful surgery for thousands of dollars or a $30 trick that’s recommended by the American Vein and Vascular association. GET IT AT >>


This AMAZING meal can decide if someone will walk or not. It is a fact that obesity can sweep someone of their feet and restrict them to their bed because the pain from their feet can become so severe they won’t be able to walk.  What causes it? Lack of blood circulation. For those that love to eat yummy foods and continue doing so there is a solution to ensure they will be walking pain free. It costs less than $30 and comes with a guarantee that it does work at encouraging blood circulation.  

These are just a few angles I came up with on the fly for my FB Ads. The next thing I would do is modify my presell to reference the angle on the first few lines.     

Then I’d create custom audiences inside Facebook Ad Manager to target, and save them.

Next we’d look for shocking/bizarre/unbelievable images and/or videos that match up with the angles.  

Then we’d create the ads, and run them as website conversions with optimize for purchase. 

Strategy would be 1 adset per angle, and 3 different ads where the image/video thumnail is different in it, duplicated 2x so we’d have 6 ads in the adset.

So to recap, we’d have 5 different audiences. Some audiences would have 1 angle, others would have 2 or 3.  

So we could have anywhere from 6-12 different adsets, and we’d start them all off at $10/day budgets and auto bid.  

So if we had 12 adsets that means we’d have 12*10$ daily budget and we’d run it for 72 hours and not touch it. Since our CPA is around $30 for one sock. So overall we’d spend $360 to test this in theory.

We’d launch the ads by scheduling them to start at 7AM of the target audiences time zone. When you start then, FB will give it a higher bid therefore a boost to get impressions.  

Be sure to respond to comments as they come in, I really like agorapulse for that.

Hope you find this guide useful! Share it with friends to show your thanks 🙂 


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Affiliate Valley

Read. Learn. Do. Earn more money on Affiliate Marketing

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