Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

Thinking about starting affiliate marketing on Facebook? Here are some tips for you.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 71 months ago 0 11217 15 min

Making money online is one of the hottest things now in our generation. The coming of the internet and new ideas have brought about a whole new way of generating income. The most popular way of making money online is through affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a very broad topic with several hundred, if not thousands of subcategories. Today, we are going to be talking about a branch of affiliate marketing which is affiliate marketing on Facebook.

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms today. You have the opportunity to reach out to billions of people. So, doing affiliate marketing on this Facebook has unlimited opportunities with slim chances of failure if you play your cards right.

That is why in this article, we are going to breakdown every aspect of affiliate marketing on Facebook, giving you the tips required to succeed.

One of your most important tools for affiliate marketing on Facebook is Facebook Ads. So, we are going to talk about Facebook Ads now.

What are Facebook Ads?

As the name suggests, Facebook Ads are advertisements that can be promoted on Facebook. The ads can be present in the News Feed, Videos, right sidebar, FB messenger, etc. So, Facebook will mix your ad content from time to time with the news, so that lots of people can see.

One of the great things about Facebook ads is that it is not expensive, especially when compared to other social media platforms. It has the lowest cost per 1000 impression. Also, Facebook ads permit you to target the specific group of people you are interested in. You will be able to target people based on employment, age, location, hobbies, income, etc.

If you are still wondering what is so special about Facebook ads, well we got answers for you. We have already mentioned that Facebook has one of the largest user bases among the other social media platforms. Also, there you will find not only the pages for private accounts but also fan pages, profiles for companies, groups, ads, instant messages, and many more. This means that you have the opportunity to interact with almost everyone.

Things to keep in mind before starting your campaign in Facebook Ads

1. Study the audience or niche you are targeting

Your audience or niche is the pivot of your success as an affiliate marketer. So, you need to take your time to study them well. Also, the niche you select will be a great influence on your success. You need to select trending niches that many people are interested in. This will give you a larger audience to work with. You need to start current with the market and ahead of your competition by doing lots of research. This is because if you are one of the first people to exploit a niche, you have higher chances of success. Once you have selected the niche, you also need to start studying the audience interested in that niche. Check out our article on the Top verticals in affiliate marketing in 2019 for more information.

2. Create your Pre-lander

Pre-Lander is very important in converting visitors. That is why it needs to be amazing and make the audience click. It needs to give the visitors enough reason to stay longer on the page. You need to focus on the quality of the page and set apart from your competitors.

You need to forget about CPA offers when creating the pre-lander. All you need to think about is the audience; what is important for them and what they are looking for? what will be their benefits?

Make sure that your pre-lander has an interesting or catchy headline. Also, use bullet points so that they list the benefits of the offer; generally, people do not like reading long paragraphs. Placing the right images on this page can be of high importance. The last and most important addition to the pre-lander is the call to action button telling the visitors what they should do.

3. Make sure that your landing page is compatible with mobile device

Nowadays , many people use mobile devices in their day to day activities. It will discouraging if they click on your ad on Facebook and are redirected to a page that is disorganised on their mobile device. You will lose lots of clients if your landing pages is not compatible with all devices.

Also, you can add a GIF overlay on your mobile landing page. This simple trick can increase your profit almost instantly. 

4. Monitor your comments section

The comments section is very important to the success of your ad. From there, you will have an idea of how people are interaction with your advertisement. Negative comments can cause your conversion rate to decrease seriously but when you delete those comments, you will notice an increase in conversion. Note that you should delete only very negative comments. 

Also, the comment section is not only for the users to comment. If you give responses to comments, customers trust level will increase and you will see and increase in your conversion rate. 

Types of campaigns on Facebook Ads

There are numerous campaign types in Facebook ads, but we will narrow it down to the best three:

  • Payment per engagement

Here, Facebook will identify those people who are most likely to like, comment and share your ad within the niche you have chosen. Facebook has the algorithm to provide you with this information.

This means that your ad will be shown to only those who matter and will likely be converted. Actually, this is one of the reasons you pay Facebook. 

  • Pay per click

This is the best way to get traffic to your website. Facebook will pick out those will to read content from other sites and show them your ad. This campaign is great to use when you have a website or blog with your affiliate link on it.

  • Pay per conversion

This campaign is directed to users who are most likely to convert. Facebook has data about your behavior online. Your ultimate goal and the campaign should match. Also, do not forget to test when buying traffic. This is one of the best campaign types because it is low risk for the affiliate, and you will see a faster turnover. People are general curious about new things and will interact with your ad to find out what it is about. 

How to create Business Manager on Facebook

The business manager helps to manage the pages, ad accounts, and the people that work on them. It also helps to track your efforts and gives you a report of how your ads are performing. Now let's show you how to create it:

Step 1. Create the account

1. Navigate to and click on the CREATE ACCOUNT button.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

2. Now, input your business name and click Continue.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

3. Input the name and the email address you want to use for the Facebook business manager and click Finish.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

Step 2. Add the Facebook business page

Here, you will have the possibility to add/create a new business page or add an existing one. There is also an option to request access to your client’s pages if you manage them. It is important to request for permission and not add the pages directly because the client will have limited access to their own page.

1. Click Add Page on the Business Manager dashboard, then click Add Page again in the pop-up box.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

2. Now, input the name of your Facebook business page, then click Add Page.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

3. If you have numerous Facebook pages, just repeat the steps above to add them.

Step 3. Add your Facebook ad account

Note that your ad account can’t be removed once it is added to Facebook Business Manager. That is why it is recommended to add just your accounts, and request access to others you manage.

It is possible just to link your already existing ad account. Do this by clicking Add Ad Account from the Business Manager dashboard, then click Add Ad Account once more. Now, input your ad account ID.

If you are new to Facebook ads, then you will have to set up a new account, do this using the following steps.

How to Create Facebook Ad Account

1. Click Add Ad Account from the Business Manager dashboard, then click Create Ad Account.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

2. Input your account credentials, and click Next.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

3. In the next dialog box, you need to choose who will be using the account, then click Create.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

Step 4. You can also add others to help manage your accounts

Do this by using the following steps:

1. Click Add People from the Business Manager dashboard.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

2. In the next dialog box, input the email of the people you want to add and click Next. Here, you can choose to give them Employee access or Admin access or both.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

3. In the next page, you can set the duties of the person you want to add to the page. They could be the Publisher, Moderator, Creator of Ads, checking the performance of the page, and even the Admin of the page. You can do the same for Ad Accounts, Catalog, and Apps, then click Invite.

4. The people you want to add will receive an email with the invitation to join. Now, you need to wait for them to accept the invitation.

Step 5. Connect with your ad agency or business partners

This may not apply if you are just starting with Facebook ads, but you will definitely need it in your later months or years. Here is how to do it:

1. Click the gear icon from the Business Manager dashboard.

2. In the next page, click Partners on the left side of the page, then click Add.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook in 2019

3. In the next dialog box, input the Partner business ID, and click next.

4. Now, follow the instructions of the wizard to complete the process.

Facebook Business Manager dashboard

Now that everything is working as it should, return to the Business Manager dashboard, and click on Business Manager on the left top corner. You will see that everything is broken down in 5 sections: Plan, Measure, and report, Create and Manage, Assets, and Settings. You can begin interacting with them as you see fit.

But to create your first ad, you need to go to Create and Manage section.

Step 6. Prior to creating your ad, we recommend that you set up your Facebook Pixel.

What is Facebook Pixel? It is a code generated by Facebook that gives you information to enable you to optimize Facebook adverts, track conversions, gather your audience, and so on. It is a very useful tool. That is why it is important to set it up. Here is how to do it:

  1. Click the gear icon from the Business Manager dashboard.
  2. Under the Data Sources menu, click Pixels.
  3. On the right side of the page, click Add.
  4. In the next dialog box, input the name of your Pixel, and click Create.

Now that your Facebook Pixel is created, you can go ahead and launch your Facebook ad.

Step 7. Launch your first ad

  1. Click Business Manager on the top left side of your Business Manager dashboard.
  2. Review and accept the terms of non-discrimination policy.
  3. Now, click Ads Manager under the Create and Manager tab, then click Create.
  4. In the next dialog, click Guided Creation.
  5. Now, choose your Campaign and Marketing objectives, and you are good to go.

Facebook advertising policies and creative

Before diving into creating your ads, you need to know that Facebook has some policies which must be followed if you do not want your ad to be taken down. We are going to list five of the most common reasons why ads get rejected:

  1. You are advertising prohibited items. Some examples are weapons and ammunition, Adult services and products, unsafe supplements, Cryptocurrency, payday loans, surveillance devices, Tobacco and other prohibited drugs, Counterfeit documents, etc.
  2. You are advertising a restricted item. Here, you need to specify and target a group of people. For example, the product or service needs to be directed to those 18 years and older. If not, the ad will be taken down. Here are some examples: Alcohol, dating services, gambling, supplements, student loans, etc. Note that there are alternative ways of promoting these restricted items and we will share them with you in our upcoming articles.
  3. You did not follow the community standards. You can read the Facebook Community standards and familiarize yourself with it.
  4. There was a mistake in your ad creative. For example, too much text added to your ad image, your ad should not indicate that you know personal info about the people you are promoting to, misusing the Facebook brand, including a video that contains rapid flashing light, etc.
  5. Your landing page has a mistake. Here are some examples: the URL on Facebook must match that on the landing page, there is not enough business details on your landing page, the landing page contains misleading, or false information, or defective, etc.


Your success as an affiliate marketer depends on most of the details we have explained above. So, you need to take your time to learn and master them. Like and share this article to those in need of such information, and remember that we are ready to answer all your question regarding this topic. 

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Affiliate Valley

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