PST.NET affiliate marketing Facebook Ads vs Affiliate Marketing: Who is winning? We deal with PST

Our friends over at PST.NET kindly shared their affiliate marketing checklist for the 2022/2023 season going over the different ways big corporations track user information and healthy solutions to that issue.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 25 months ago 0 28847 5 min

As of this moment, bigTech firms like Meta, Google and TikTok collect tons of data both on their own end users, and consumers who participate in online advertising using their platforms. So far, advertisers have been able to bypass compliance on the advertising platforms, which begs the question – how are affiliate marketers able to continue their traffic activities, despite the power of those corporations?

Experienced media buyers are already aware that verifications are a multi-check weighing system. In order to pass verifications on main ad platforms, they need to carefully monitor their equipment, network connections and financial instruments. 

Our friends over at PST.NET kindly shared their affiliate marketing checklist for the 2022/2023 season going over the different ways big corporations track user information and healthy solutions to that issue. 


In order to provide profitable and stable work on advertising platforms users should consistently demonstrate that they are real people, not bots or fake multi accounts. In other words, fresh profiles require special actions to normalize behavioral factors. Although no one can say for sure, many people think that there is a necessity of posting and adding as many friends as possible to simulate the actions of a real person. However, it's hard to argue with the fact that most users, more often than not, consume content, not create it. And via advertising verifications, social networks such as Facebook, collect tons of private information from consumers’ devices. It has been rumored that Facebook is not interested only in a few personal details such as a user’s biological parameters (weight, height, etc.), mother's maiden name, as well as their birthplace and state of health. 

First of all, the corporation is interested in the financial data of its clients. By consuming miscellaneous content, users help Facebook understand what they like and what they are ready to pay for. They developed an AI for handling all the information received from accounts, discovering patterns and making decisions based on a graph theory. Facebook pays special attention to the structure of the user's “contact tree". Most likely, the phones linked to new accounts might already be in the database. Facebook gets that data directly from the users’ devices, when people allow access to their phone contacts for handy friends search. In addition Facebook is able to detect more complex connections, for example, connection between people who are using the same Wi-Fi network, or are in the same location simultaneously. Users with empty “contact tree” accounts come across as suspicious for Facebook Ads. 

Hardware & Software

It has been noticed that throughout the years, verification systems can track multiple software & hardware characteristics, therefore, affiliate marketers should be very careful about their equipment. Let's use one real life example:

It is known that the most common surname in the world is Lee, and the most popular name is Mohammed while the number of people called Mohammed Lee is not that big. The same is applicable with software and hardware features. Affiliate marketers should not chase a combination consisting of the most popular browsers, operating systems or computer builds. Artificial intelligence is able to identify cases whereby the most famous hardware and software parameters combined simultaneously are not as common. In order to attract less attention from verification algorithms, affiliate marketers often mask themselves as Apple users, because there are considerably less models of Apple computers than the number of Windows-based variations, and as a result, it will be easier to blend in with other users.


One of the most critical tools that provides network security and a stable process of media buying are proxies, which can be divided into three categories:

  • Datacenter Proxy: cheapest and most affordable type of proxy, which has a serious drawback – everyone can see the particular data center the traffic comes from. This significantly increases the risk of getting blocked on some sites even before the first visit. Datacenter Proxies are not suitable for affiliate marketing as they are immediately detected.
  • Mobile proxies providing users with cellular IP addresses. They are better suited for running traffic, because the possibility of hiding the subnetwork level exists. When people connect to the same cell tower, they may have partially or completely identical IP addresses, but this does not trigger verification mechanisms as consumers with identical IP addresses are often encountered in telecom technologies. The problem with mobile proxies is that when using them, users need to use smartphones, since using the proxies of a popular mobile operator from a computer will seem fishy just like in the Mohammed Lee case.
  • Residential proxies are the rarest, most expensive type, but also the safest for affiliate marketing. The principle of network connection of those proxies are similar to Tor Browser – users access the network through a real remote device, with an IP address assigned by a local Internet provider. Nevertheless, such proxies have disadvantages too: from time to time, they can suddenly stop functioning. The reason may be in ordinary shutdowns of the "resident’s" computers. There are also so-called static resident proxies that allow users to save user specific residential IP addresses, but they are even more rare and expensive.

Ad Behavior

User behavior in advertising accounts is also monitored by Facebook. In order to not get banned, affiliate marketers should not make any sudden changes. Here is a simple example. A media buyer finds a functional business model with a 500% ROI so he is very eager to upscale. He is ready to invest a six-figure budget into an ad campaign, however the system might flag such a big investment as an anomaly. In the best case scenario, it will label such a behavior as fraudulent and most likely the newly registered ad account will be instantly banned.

There are several ways for media buyers to keep their ad accounts less suspicious. Media buyers usually start off with their personal Facebook accounts, but that usually leads to restrictions. The next step often becomes purchasing accounts online (brutes and logs).

Affiliate marketers often try to warm up their ad accounts to make it more trustworthy. They run traffic on their Fan Pages (nothing inappropriate or revealing). On average they spend around $10-$100 on this process. Successful warming up of Fan Pages can be measured by achieving a billing threshold of $75 inside Facebook Ads Manager account. Warming up the account does not guarantee protection from getting banned, however experienced media buyers are confident this will significantly lower the probability. Subsequently, warmed up Facebook ad accounts guarantee higher spend limits from the start.


One of the key factors to succeed on advertising platforms is the quality of the payment solutions. The first thing media buyers should factor in when choosing a payment solution (VCC) is the quality of the BIN. You might ask – what is a BIN? BIN – Bank Identification Number, it’s the first 6 digits on the card. With this code you can find all the necessary information: type of card i.e. debit, credit, prepaid, etc., the bank it was issued from and the country.

This information is crucial to better understand the type of accounts (in terms of geo and quality) affiliate marketers should run their traffic with. It’s a well known fact that cards from tier 1 countries usually perform better because of a higher level of trust from advertising platforms.

Platforms use different statistical data to evaluate a BIN. For example, the percentage of unpaid first bills  associated with the given BIN or the amount of aggressive advertising content related to the particular BIN. The cleaner the BIN, the higher the probability of avoiding risk payments (restrictions due to untrustworthy payment solutions).

To avoid restrictions, media buyers have to be careful in choosing their card provider, because overused BINs will most likely get restricted on all major media platforms. Professional payment solution platforms rotate their BINs and also are constantly updating them. 

PST.NET’s Solution

Being aware of all the struggles users, especially affiliate marketers go through with online platforms, PST.NET came up with a product to ensure a user’s data safety when running ad campaigns that you can issue in a matter of minutes.

No documents verification required when issuing the first card with a BIN only available in PST’s database. You are also presented with the option of using cryptocurrency to deposit money into your account. They also have a 3D secure protocol that allows you to pay on any network you are connected to.

Final Thoughts

The experts over at PST believe that all gray/black hat activity on the major advertising platforms can be easily stopped with the press of a button, because given platforms have all the necessary AI, machinery and other Big Data capabilities. “Then why isn't this happening?”, – any reasonable person will ask.

It's all about the money, as always. Media buyers bring in huge profits to ad services due to their willingness to overpay for traffic. Affiliate marketers use multiple accounts and run millions of dollars of traffic per day which significantly increases the price via auction. It is worth stating that as long as media buyers do not cross the “red line” by promoting overly “black hat” ads, advertising platforms will continue to profit on “gray hat” media buyers. Nothing personal, just business. 

They have been providing a payment solution to affiliate marketing companies worldwide, and here is what they have to say: today it has become quite simple to buy VCCs for media buying, but the question remains about their quality and overuse on a particular platform. 

Speaking from experience, they have found that the only way for payment solutions to overcome the constantly changing algorithm of media platforms is to have a large quantity of quality BINs from different banks and to constantly monitor their performance. And that is the path they have chosen and in their opinion, both their platform and their clients – media buyers will continue enjoying the mutual benefits of that path.

Special offer from PST

Need a free card with a trusted BIN? Join PST.NET’s promotional campaign «Test at our expense»:

  • $0 for the first card!
  • 0% commission on the first deposit!
  • No documents required!

PST.NET cards are issued by US banks, have exclusive BINs and provide the best protection against risky payments.

First card at no cost and first deposit without commission (for any amount up to $500) are available for all new users.

Number of free cards is limited (1000), don’t be late for your free VCC!

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