How to farm Facebook accounts: The ultimate guide for a rogue affiliate

Many affiliates have more than one Facebook account to run ads. Since that's not what Facebook officially allows, we decided to take a closer look how that's even possible.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 41 months ago 0 133563 12 min

Facebook, one of the biggest advertising platforms in the world, lures advertisers in with a promise of infinite income growth. But working with Facebook can be quite stressful due to its strict policies and never ending account bans.

Some advertisers address this problem by having several Facebook accounts at once. So when one gets banned, the rest will be fit to run campaigns. 

Wait, what? 

Officially, multiaccing is against Facebook’s policy. However, there is a loophole that many affiliates are using to have more than one ad account on Facebook - Account Farming

In this article we’ll go through these subtopics: 

  • what is account farming;

  • how account farming works;

  • what tools you will need to farm an account;

  • how much farming a Facebook account costs;

  • and where to find Facebook accounts for sale.

Why do affiliates still choose Facebook if it’s such a pain in the ass to work with?

A quick modern history lesson. If you’re not interested, skip to the next subchapter. 

From being a small website available only for Harvard students, Facebook has turned into a multibillion company with almost 3 billion users all around the world (and it’s more than 40% of the world’s population). Facebook knows everything about their users’ behaviour, interests and recent activities, so it’s a klondike of information for marketers (and politicians!) 

Having such an amount of data at hand makes Facebook a monopolist in the advertising world. And being a monopoly never made any platform more transparent or user-friendly. 

So, Facebook dictates its terms of partnership to the advertisers. Even though Facebook strives to regulate the work of the network in an ethical way, advertisers still face situations where they were wronged for no reason. It becomes harder to run advertising campaigns with each new policy change

Facebook can ban your ad account based on different reasons (according to its policy): 

  • promoting something illegal (casinos with no license, not-approved health products, adult content)

  • causing the customers to have a bad experience

  • running ads of poor quality (irrelevant to your campaign or potentially offensive, poorly written or even using images of insufficient quality)

  • suspiciously looking ad profile (e.g. when using a VPN service)

  • suspicious activity (the list is endless and constantly updated)

  • having several accounts created allegedly by one person.

And it’s not the question of “if they ban your account”, but “when they ban it”. 

Despite having the most advanced AI and machine learning programmed to identify rule breakers, Facebook does make mistakes. It bans ads and then ad accounts for no apparent reason. Advertisers can abide by the rules, follow all the guidelines and still wake up one day to a banned account with a good chance of never getting it back.

What does it mean for advertisers? 

Bans are hurtful to advertisers. 

Only imagine: you’ve prepared all the creatives, analyzed your target audience, set up the targeting, launched a campaign, it got approved, and you’re getting your first leads. The sky is clear. And then bam, out of the blue your account gets banned. That can be very disappointing. 

Also, one important point should be mentioned: Facebook’s support is not great. Or, more precisely, it’s terrible. 

It takes them very long to process requests and some never get answered in the first place. And if you’re lucky enough to get a reply, it will most likely be a come-off with a link to FAQ. 

You will find many complaints online from advertisers saying they had their account banned and can’t find a reason why. But either way, every time an advertising account is not bringing in new business, you are losing money. 

So, some less rule-obedient media buyers found a solution to the problem: creating more accounts without Facebook noticing.

How to get more Facebook accounts?

And now let’s look into what it takes to create a Facebook account if you already have one. 

First of all, how many accounts can one technically have? 

As mentioned before. Officially — just one. But if you’re ready to get your hands dirty, you can get as many Facebook accounts as you wish. Those accounts will be different in terms of their sustainability, cost and time spent, and most importantly, how suitable they are to run ads — all this based on the way you get them.  

Brute force and hacking (which we don’t approve)

Which can basically be called just “hacking”. The principle behind brute force is simple: hackers need to find out the username and password to log into Facebook. They will then change the credentials there and create a new ad account.

It can be done manually (when the hackers try all possible combinations of symbols themselves) or with a computer program (it will generate different possible combinations from most likely to less likely to random). The software may help to get access to password hashes (which are not passwords themselves, but a string of letters and numbers created with an encryption algorithm). With these hashes a hacker can crack the password thus gaining access to the account.

The number of existing brute force programs and tutorials on how to use them is truly impressive. You can find how to hack Facebook accounts with THC-Hydra, Aircrack-ng, John the Ripper (not the serial killer), Hashcat and others. 

The lifetime of such an account is quite short: as soon as users notice the breach, they will try to get it back. It does not take many days or weeks: Facebook support will also be there to help the users make their account more secure. Which makes stealing an account from a person not a very reliable way to get a new account. 

Not to mention, it is illegal and we do not approve of this option. It is for information’s sake only.


Renting a Facebook account is not an entirely new concept. People wanting more cash combined with people needing more advertising FB accounts have come together to create a solution to the problem. 

At the moment there are two ways of how it might work. The first idea is the following: real people with real accounts on Facebook create an ad account and give access to it to an agency. This agency will then rent these accounts to their clients to run ads there. The price for affiliates can range from $15 to $100 per month (depending on how much they pay to the account owners). 

Not only real people can lend their accounts. The second option is to rent accounts that were specifically created by special teams. They create the accounts themselves, make them ready for advertising and then rent them out to affiliates.

After you strike a deal, you will be given the account credentials: phone number or email and password. In the ad account you can set up your information and deposit your own money. 

Compared to brute force this option is more viable with accounts living for a longer time. Since the user is already onboard, they are not likely to make complaints to Facebook (as long as they are paid). However, there are still two factors to consider here:

1. If Facebook finds your ad account suspicious, it will suspend the whole account entirely (including the personal one of the user). You will not get back the money you already deposited. 

2. There are scamming companies that might take your money and give you access for a shorter period of time. This will result in you paying for the account and not being able to control your campaigns.


This option is quite similar to the previous one but for one difference: you get full access to accounts (both personal and advertising). These accounts may be old accounts that are no longer active or newly created accounts (either manually or with the help of special tools). You can choose them according to the number of friends/subscriptions, countries, amount of content posted, verified or non-verified, with created ad accounts or not.

You can also buy FB accounts in bulk: some companies offer bundles from 10 to 100 accounts for a better price. 

You can find lots of websites where Facebook accounts (and accounts on other social networks, by the way) are sold. Before making your decision about purchasing at a particular site, make sure it is credible. Check the number of views, find the site mentioned on forums by other affiliates, read reviews if there are any. For example, you can use both AccFarm and AccsMarket for buying accounts (both have around 200k views per month which makes them the most popular platforms).

By the way, big forums have a special section where people will put advertisements in which they sell Fb accounts. There you can find information on the accounts themselves and on the vendor’s credibility.


By “farming” we mean creating accounts on Facebook that would look like accounts of real people and therefore can be used for running advertising campaigns with a lower risk of bans. Even though you can buy new accounts that were farmed for you, it is still risky. If not done properly, Facebook might detect fraud and ban this account right after you’ve bought it. Or someone might still use your budget to run ads from your account.

But if you understand the principle of how to make your own accounts resemble a real person’s account, potential lifetime of such an account increases greatly. Yes, you will have to invest money into it, but it may prove to be more beneficial. 

When your account is banned (and it will be eventually), you can always farm new ones as you know how it’s done. 

How does account farming work?

All affiliates act differently, but they will still adhere to a similar logic, with specific strategies and tools. So, this is what you need to create a legit Fb acc. 

Use the tools for anonymisation and authentication

  • Antidetect browser (Dolphin, Indigo, AntBrowser, GoLogin etc.);

  • Proxy server (FreeProxy, ProxyScrape, and others); 

  • SIM-cards or emails (SIM-cards are more preferred);

  • Profile photos (generated with the help of a special program).

The first step would be to download an antidetect browser. It will help you to create a unique browser fingerprint so that your new accounts look like accounts of an average internet user. 

Btw, what is browser fingerprint? 

Browser fingerprinting happens when websites use special scripts to collect enough information about you — such as your browser, timezone, default language, and more — that they can uniquely identify you out of the sea of other internet users. 

Each profile will have its own fingerprint. All the cash, cookies and other parameters that belong to different accounts will be separated from each other.

Proxy servers are usually used together with antidetect browsers. If Facebook detects suspicious activity and finds out that you have several ad accounts (especially seeing the same IP-address), it will block them all. In order to avoid that, you will have to register every account using a different IP-address. Try to use a proxy with the same GEO as your future account (i.e. if your FB persona lives in Austin, Texas, use a US proxy).

Make sure you already have content to post on your new page: 

  • several photos of a person

  • basic information (date of birth, location, education etc.)

  • telephone number 

  • password. 

It is also recommended to have all this information saved: all the stages of registration and all your actions. You might need them later to prove it is indeed your account. You can always create a document on your laptop, a Google Doc or a card in a task-management system (e.g. Notion, Trello, Asana etc.).

Create an image of a non-existent person that Facebook will accept

We can’t recommend you taking a picture of an existing person and use it in your account. That would be identity theft and that’s illegal, plain and simple.  So here’s what you can do to generate an image of a non-existent person that Facebook will accept. 

- Go to Face Generator. There you can generate an AI-made image of a human that will look like a real person, but does not exist in reality. 

- Here you can choose the gender, preferred skin color, hair length, glasses and makeup. You can even make them look happy, surprised, sad, disgusted and so on. 

- Alternatively, go to ThisPersonDoesNotExist and generate a random face of a non-existent person.

- Facebook’s anti-fraud solution is taught to recognize the image generated by another AI by pixels. So alter the image that you generate with the help of any image editor, e.g. Photoshop. 

Register an account following these 3 steps

And now let’s try registering an account. 

1. Using an antidetect browser, go to several big websites first (it can be news websites, YouTube, forums etc.). So that when you go to the second part, you already have browser history and Facebook will not immediately suspect that you are a fraud.

2. Now let’s register. You can either go to Facebook itself and fill out a registration form. Or you can go to a website that requires authorization through social network profiles (including Facebook). For this you can use both a smartphone or a computer.

3. After you’ve registered your account, log into it and prepare for a week or two of behaving as an average Facebook user.

Some people recommend first registering using a smartphone and then logging into your account several days later with a laptop. This way your account will be viewed as more trustworthy. But don’t forget to use both antidetect browser and proxy server for this option as well.

How do you make Facebook trust your account?

Now that you have a new Facebook account, let’s go over the basic behaviour of an average user of Facebook and how to mimic it.

1. Try to fill out all the information they want to have on you: your bio, name of school, place of work, hobbies and interests. 

2. Find some groups that you would want to join and would fit your new persona: like their posts and leave thoughtful comments. But don’t go liking everything you see the first day you register, pace yourself. Like several posts and leave 2-5 comments per day.

3. Add some new friends to your account as well. Not more than 5-10 people a day. Try finding them from the same university or town or place of work (especially, if it’s a big company). Add friends of these friends. Add people from communities that you join. When Facebook suggests adding a few people you might know (thanks to its algorithms), do that. This is also a normal user’s behaviour.

4. Do not forget about posting your photos and writing comments to them. Make them meaningful, add hashtags, reply to comments if you get any. Do not post every hour, make 1-2 posts every day. Film stories, so your account doesn’t look empty (here you can give way to your imagination). 

5. Scroll through your feed. Take your time to look through posts, read them, like them. Go to your friends’ accounts and watch their profiles. The more time you spend doing usual things, the better your chances are at making this account more credible. 

6. Go to different websites that use Facebook and try logging in using your new account. You can also download games or apps and use your Facebook account there.

One more tip that you can find on the internet is to create a fan page. Create content for it, write interesting useful posts. But, as always, don’t overdo it: 1-2 posts a day for a week might be enough. Seeing this, Facebook will likely think you can be of benefit to them in terms of placing ads and will be more inclined to let you have your ad account.

And only after 7-10 days is this account ready for opening an ad account and starting with your advertisements. Remember not to rush it otherwise you run a risk of being suspended. Do not miss the steps that we’ve covered above, they are crucial for creating a successful account.

All the recommendations that we’ve given here are based on the experience of account farmers. But, please, remember that Facebook is a big and complex structure which invents new regulations and policies almost every day. With their anti-fraud system and moderation processes nobody can guarantee that your account will not be blocked as soon as you create it. You can follow all the rules, but end up with a good account one day and a banned account another day. Don’t forget to follow all the changes Facebook implements so that you can make adjustments to how you work.


With Facebook being one of the largest marketing platforms in the digital space, it is only natural it is that attractive to brands and to affiliates. While it does give all the tools necessary for making money, it also has drawbacks: you can have only one account for each person or brand and they can be banned for various reasons.

Even though there are different ways of obtaining an account (brute force, buying and renting), account farming is the perfect solution to this problem. Even though you can buy or rent accounts (which might be cheaper compared to farming), you will probably have to complete the process of farming yourself (before getting an ad account). The accounts might not be of high quality. But if you farm them yourself,  you can be sure they are well-worked. And with our step-by-step guide it is easy to make new ones all the time if your accounts get banned.


What is account farming?

Account farming is a process of creating new social media accounts, especially in bulk. Ready-made accounts are later used to run advertising campaigns for affiliate offers (which is affiliate media buying). Many affiliates use account farming when they want to run ads on Facebook.

Can I have multiple Facebook accounts?

According to Facebook’s T&C, it is not allowed to have more than one account on Facebook (you risk getting all accounts banned). However, in order not to lose all money and business when ad accounts get blocked, affiliates resort to account farming.

How many Facebook accounts can I have? 

Officially you can only have one Facebook account. But if done correctly, you can create as many accounts as you need. While creating more accounts do not forget that you should be creating entirely different digital personas. For that you will need to use a proxy service, an antidetect browser and AI-generated human photos to register new accounts.

Where to find Facebook accounts for sale?

There are platforms that will help you buy new accounts: for example, AccFarm or AccsMarket. One more option is to go to forums for affiliates and find specific sections for account buying (where you will find lots of offers from people who do account farming themselves).

How much can it cost me to get a Facebook account?

It all depends on your goals. If you want to buy it, it will cost you around $25 - $30 and more. If you prefer renting, you will pay about $2-3 a day. If you want to create it yourself or “farm”, then it depends on the cost of the SIM-card you buy, proxy server and antidetect browser (and subscription plans are usually around $80-$100). But mind that you can use the same proxy and browser to create more accounts. 

Is Facebook account farming illegal?

There are no laws regulating creating and buying or selling non-unique Facebook accounts. So the answer is no, it’s not illegal. However, it is against the Terms and Conditions of the website.

Why does Facebook ban ad accounts?

There are a multitude of reasons for bans of the advertising accounts. Some of the most popular would be multiaccing, that is, creating multiple accounts by the same person. Others include promoting products or companies that do not have a license in the GEO you chose, starting a new campaign with a huge budget, making misleading claims in your ads etc. Make sure to get acquainted with the Terms of Use, so that you minimize risks of getting banned.

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