Affiliate Marketing Top verticals in affiliate marketing in 2019

Check out the top niches in affiliate marketing in 2019.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 71 months ago 0 13565 8 min

Concentrating on one area of expertise is crucial in every aspect of life. It is often said, “Better be a master of one trade than a novice in many.” This idea can be directly applied in the field of affiliate marketing. As an affiliate marketer, one of your first goals is to find the best niche for affiliate marketing or vertical to master. You must have heard the phrase “go niche or go home” often used in affiliate marketing, the truth is, it still applies in 2019.

If you want to get the most out of affiliate marketing, you have to select a niche and master it. Once this is done, you can then begin to conquer other niches. Note that a niche can still be broken down into smaller sections. So, it is wise to narrow down large niches to get the best out of it. There are lots of verticals in affiliate marketing to choose from, but not all of them will be a good choice in 2019. That is why we have created this article to show you the best affiliate marketing niches in 2019.

Trending affiliate marketing verticals in 2019:

1. E-Commerce

Almost everyone does shopping online, which makes digital marketing easy to master as a beginner. You must have noticed the advertisement of products or services while browsing social media or other affiliate niche sites. 

In this case, the affiliates use a CPS (cost per sale) model which gives them a commission from every sale of the service or product they are promoting. 

With e-commerce, there is a wide variety of products and services to choose from. You will never be out of options. Here are are some of the examples of best niches to consider:

  • Clothing and accessories
  • Education 
  • Careers
  • Consumer electronics 
  • Family 
  • Entertainment 

One of the best things when doing digital marketing as an affiliate is that do not need to worry about customer service, an inventory, supply chain management, or geolocation. These issues are dealt with by the advertiser. As the affiliate, you are only responsible for the promotion and referrals.

Promoting e-commerce offers is also great because it is white hat, i.e., Facebook-friendly. Facebook is less aggressive with ads for e-commerce than with those from other black hat verticals. You can also use Instagram, Forums, Pinterest, Quora, Twitter, and Youtube.

2. Nutra

This is one of the largest niches in affiliate marketing. The possibility to make money and be successful in this vertical is very high. In this niche, you are going to be promoting products for beauty, health, and wellness. 

These are some of the things that most people are concerned about. 

It also uses the CPA model for marketing, where the affiliates get a commission for every sale initiated by their traffic. This means that if you play your cards right, you will get the attention of consumers, thereby, generating traffic and profit. 

Some of the popular categories in this vertical are Erectile dysfunction, Diet, Skin, Muscle, and many more. You have a huge target audience which gives room for starters to succeed in this niche. 

Also, many new brands in the beauty and health section gain popularity within a short period of time. So, doing some research will help you find these products. Reviewing and giving customers up-to-date information on these products is one of the many ways to generate traffic and make profit.

You can create your blog or website, or use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Quora, and many more.

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3. Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process where the affiliate gathers personal information on people who may be interested in a product or service. This information is given to the merchant who uses it to target that specific group of people, thereby, increasing sales in a short amount of time. 

Some of the subcategories in this niche are Legal help, e-learning, legal help, Insurance, real estate, and many more. 

Companies are willing to pay huge sums of money if you can provide them with quality leads. This system uses the CPL (cost per lead) model. 

4. Adult and Online dating

Online dating has become very popular in this digital era. Most of our communications with others is done online since many people are too busy with careers. You will notice that people are willing to spend lots of money on dating site subscriptions. This gives you the opportunity to exploit and become successful in this vertical. Even though it may be though at the start, this niche is growing constantly, and you will eventually find your breakthrough. 

Many companies are willing to spend millions of dollars to get traffic on their websites, and that is where you come in as an affiliate. 

The Adult category centers around advertising service and products for online romantic interactions. This niche is not very large when compared to online dating and others but can be very profitable because lots of people are looking for those services. Some companies in the Adult and online dating niche may use the CPA or CPL model.

5. Sweepstakes

This is a process where people exchange their information to be able to win a price. Some of the most promising prizes are iPhones, Samsung phones, or even a vacation. 

Sweepstakes work by getting users to signup and provide relevant information about themselves before they can qualify to win a prize. This information can now be sold to advertisers or companies. 

Sweepstakes use the CPL (cost per lead) model where affiliates get a commission on the leads they bring in. 

One of the pros of sweepstakes is that it is not limited by geolocation. You can promote offers in almost every country.

6. Cryptocurrency and casinos

Cryptocurrency has been trending for a while now. Many people are investing lots of money in it. This makes it a very lucrative niche for an affiliate marketer. Cryptocurrency is usually advertised as one of the “get rich quick schemes”. Here, people make profit from the rise and fall in the value of cryptocurrencies. 

In this case, the affiliate has to promote links to the platforms that trade cryptocurrencies in order to generate traffic. Note that as of 2019, cryptocurrencies have begun to lose popularity due to the drastic fall in their value. So, it could be a tough niche to choose from. Nevertheless, people are still investing and hoping that it will return to its former glory.

Casinos fall in the same category as cryptocurrencies, but they have been around for a longer period. Unlike cryptocurrencies, online casino platforms are not losing popularity, but online gambling is restricted in some countries. Affiliates will get offers to promote such platforms to generate traffic, and they are paid a commission for every deposit made by the customers they bring. So, cryptocurrency and casinos use the CPA model. 


As an affiliate, it is vital to master a vertical before you can start thinking of expanding into different ones. So, you can use the niches provided above as a guide to choose from where to start.

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