Push Traffic Push Notifications with Vimmy

Profitable and easy. This is the way to the world of performance Internet marketing using push notifications with Vimmy.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 59 months ago 0 96723 6 min

Facebook continues to ruthlessly ban accounts and put spokes in the wheels of those working on the generation of traffic. Such a situation makes many of them think about changing the traffic source. Which one to use then? The most affordable option for mastering can be push notifications. The format is quite simple to optimize, it doesn't require additional infrastructure (cloaking, accounts, anti-detect) and you can use any offers. 

Of course, it is not the first day pushes are used on the market, so you need to look for fresh approaches to hook the user, but with good traffic in the grid, the conversion will be definitely great. In addition, in ad networks, you can increasingly find targeting based on the freshness of a user's subscription, which makes it possible to work with a more active audience.

We are not saying that there is a cosmic ROI when working with pushes like it was at the beginning of 2018. We'd rather like to state that the format works, is updated, and shows good results consistently – new advertising networks that are confident in its prospects and offer fresh push traffic to partners are entering the market. 

Here's an example of how the freshness of a user’s subscription affects ROI:


If you're asking, we recommend testing finance, adult, dating, sweepstakes, installations first. The rest is optional if you have experience in other verticals go and try. 

As for the traffic source, at the start (when there are no resources to work with a large array of traffic), we would recommend starting with young networks - the competition is lower, the traffic is often fresher, and as a result, you can be forgiven more mistakes.

Vimmy is a nice example. The network has recently gone public. It means there are a lot of opportunities for tests here. If you haven't worked with push traffic, let's look at it in more detail.

Review of the Vimmy advertising network

The official launch of Vimmy was in early 2020. The network has already had its own database of pushes with more than 300 million subscribers (Tier-1, 2 countries mostly), as well as there is XML integration with all the top market players. The total volume in the network is more than 1 billion impressions per day.

Targeting by device, browser language, platform, connection type, ISP, and user subscription time is available in the network. This is the maximum possible targeting for pushes at the moment. 

The minimum deposit amount is only $50 – a cherry on the cake.

Let's see what the platform offers from the inside.

Analysis of the Vimmy push network functionality

The advertising network operates on a self-written engine, the interface is English-language and user friendly. The first thing to start with is the volume by country. You can monitor it together with current bids in the Traffic Chart section.

Here, after Brazil, the top countries are mainly European Tier-1 countries, as well as Asia - India, Indonesia, and Thailand. It is worth noting a good volume of Russian traffic - more than 7 million clicks.


The volume is clear, let's see how it can be implemented - go to the Campaigns section and create a campaign. Anyway, settings are standard, but let's go through the points:

1. Enter the campaign name and a working link with the necessary tags. Next, upload the creative. Everything is usual here: the title, the main message, a small image, and a large one. Classic push. Pay special attention to the small image - it should catch the user's attention because the large one is not displayed on some devices at all.


2. Select the desired GEO, set the appropriate bid, limit, and select the type of impressions: standard - the budget will go to the limit as quickly as possible, distributed - it will distribute it proportionally for the entire day.


3. Moving on to targeting: OS, browser (it helps when you work in countries with a large number of emigrants but you need local residents), connection type, browser language and ISP (the IP range of the mobile operator, if you work with operator's traffic - for example, in mobile subscriptions), as well as the subscription age - in our case, from 1 to 3 days:


You should understand that the more recent the subscription, the more competition for it in the auction - please, don't be greedy and don't say there is no traffic. Find out from the Manager the current bid for your targeting at the moment and start from it. 

By the way, the support in the network is competent and responds quickly enough. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact them.

The moderation is quite conducive – you can work almost with everything, including adult. Only various types of scams are prohibited.

Campaigns are automatically approved. The system independently checks it for the presence of prohibited content in the ad and text. The approval of the campaign is given automatically. We check it for the presence of forbidden words and determining whether there is an adult in the creative.

The network has a blacklist for placements and sites. Besides, you can set up an impression schedule. In general, in terms of features, this is probably the maximum that can be given to push traffic.


4. The campaign has passed moderation, and it has started working, which means that it is time to go to statistics.

By the way, for those who work with a tracker, there is fast s2s integration with Binom, Bemob, and Volume - all your leads will get to the dashboard in the advertising network.


Statistics are simple and convenient: select the necessary campaign, time range, country, OS, subscription period, impression type, and work with filtered data.

You can also add a filter for ad platforms, creatives, the browser, and other parameters.


For a simple optimization of the features, it is more than enough, the speed is also really good.


As we have already said earlier, the minimum deposit amount is $50. Vimmy offers depositing via Webmoney, Wire, Visa/Mastercard, and Paxum.

For fans of referrals, there is great news - 3% of the amount of deposits by your referrals is given for the entire period of use! Some extra money never goes amiss :)


No matter what they may say, push notifications for some verticals are one of the main sources of traffic. Even in 2020, they don't lose their relevance – traffic is in demand, and new advertising networks with their own offers are coming out to meet it. Vimmy is one of the examples. 

The advertising network recently went public, but it has already proved to be a good one. If you want to start working with push traffic or are looking for new networks to scale, we recommend it. The functionality and volume of the network allow you to work efficiently.

As for some general tips that we can give on pushes: 

  • be sure to separate mobile and desktop traffic by separate campaigns, 
  • don't mix multiple GEO'S in the same campaign,
  • if you are working with Asia and remote regions - check the download speed in this region, here are a few free services. 
  • test fresh traffic (targeting by subscription time or high bid), it can produce results many times better, despite its cost. The final ROI is important. 
  • also, do not neglect older traffic – it can show itself perfectly on non-standard offers that the audience has not yet seen. When working with those that are actively clicked, you should buy out the first impressions after subscribing.

Try to optimize the traffic source as much as possible. For as long as the network functionality allows. By cutting down the site zones and collecting a blacklist, you can work quite steadily at a distance. Now it all depends on the budget that will be needed for optimization. 

In any case, you do not need to go where it is said to be filled up with bots. Ask your colleagues for recommendations in chat rooms and test new sources.

We recommend that you try traffic in Vimmy, and if you have already had an experience, we are waiting for your feedback in the comments. We wish you all high-quality traffic and good profit!

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