Affiliate Marketing How to Earn Money on CBD Offers in 2021: A Complete Guide

CBD offers can be an exciting opportunity for affiliate marketers to make money. The guide will explain the CBD oil industry, how to register as an affiliate, and how to use various platforms to generate traffic and make sales.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 59 months ago 0 62281 9 min

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 104 chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. The chemical compounds are collectively known as cannabinoids. CBD oil is a non-intoxicating component of the cannabis plant that is believed to possess a therapeutic impact on the human mind and body. Because CBD is non-psychoactive, it does not cause the euphoric or “high” sensation that is commonly associated with marijuana or cannabis.

CBD has negligible or zero traces of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the psychoactive component of the cannabis plant that causes the euphoric or the famous “high” sensation associated with marijuana. CBD is extracted from the hemp or cannabis plant and then diluted with carrier seed oils, such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil. The mixture of cannabidiol and carrier oil creates CBD oil.

Manufacturers sell CBD oils in different forms, such as patch, tincture, skin creams, concentrate, edibles, soft gel capsules, under the tongue sprays, and topical solutions. The concentration of CBD varies in each of the products named earlier. Also, you can take advantage of CBD offers on credible websites, such as I Love Growing Marijuana (ILGM).

What is I Love Growing Marijuana (ILGM)?

I Love Growing Marijuana (ILGM) began as a blog 25 years ago by Robert Bergman. The blog is based on over twenty years of growing marijuana. His operations began in seed labs and plantations. After gaining skills and experience, Bergman decided to share the knowledge using the blog I Love Growing Marijuana.

ILGM is not only a global marijuana seed distributor, but it is also a dynamic company that teaches marijuana growers how to nurture their plants using unique and beneficial techniques. The company pays attention to picking the right seeds so that growers can grow quality marijuana. 

Notably, the platform allows you to earn money as an affiliate marketer. The platform allows you to earn 20% of the amount anyone spends with the company. The platform allows you to register as an affiliate marketer and start enjoying commission. 

How to Create an Account in I Love Growing Marijuana (ILGM)

Get into the website and click “Registration.”

Fill in the details and click registration. The platform also offers you the option of registering with your Facebook account. 

How to Earn Money on CBD Offers

You will receive a notification email in your inbox. Verify the email before signing in to your ILGM account.

How to Earn Money on CBD Offers

After you confirm your email, you get to view the top affiliate and advertising networks.

How to Earn Money on CBD Offers

Select Offers. Currently, the website has over 61,000 offers that allow you to make money. Identify the best CBD offer and start earning commission.

How to Earn Money on CBD Offers

CBD Global Market

By the end of 2018, the global cannabidiol market was estimated to be worth $1.34 billion. The perceived health benefits associated with CBD oil consumption is driving its growth. Also, there has been a high demand from pharmaceutical companies. The perceived health benefits will lead to rapid growth in the market. The main markets for CBD include the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Brazil, and Argentina. 

Notably, there is growing legalization of medicinal marijuana, and it will boost CBD market growth. CBD skincare products include sunscreens, moisturizers, oils, creams, serums, and cleansers. CBD is also perceived to possess anti-aging properties and is efficient for all skin types. 

How to Earn Money on CBD Offers

Figure 1 showing the increasing global demand for CBD products

By 2022, the industry is projected to be worth approximately $2.5 billion. However, other sources estimate that it may be worth over $16 billion in six years. Currently, over 65 million Americans have tried CBD. You should take advantage of the growing CBD market to make more money in 2020. 

Legal Issues Facing Selling CBD Online

Although CBD was legalized in the US and many other countries, advertising CBD online has various challenges. While some states in the US have legalized marijuana, the federal government has not changed its stance on marijuana. Until the regulations change, entrepreneurs with online stores have focused on marketing CBD through content creation and referral marketing. 

Unfortunately, Google, Yandex, and Facebook, some of the world's leading ad-buying platforms, have not permitted CBD advertising. However, they are considering allowing ads from CBD derived from the hemp plant. You should be aware of the CBD advertising restrictions to avoid some potential pitfalls:


You cannot advertise cannabis-derived CBD, but if you focus on hemp-derived CBD, you may be lucky. Facebook lifted its ban on CBD products in June 2019. However, advertising cannabis-derived CBD on Facebook may lead to your account getting closed. Also, you can insert a direct link to a landing page. 

Google Ads (AdWords)

If you run a Google Ad that promoted CBD products, your ad will be blocked outright. You may also be penalized from running future ads even if they are not associated with CBD. However, Google has been considering lifting the ban. They have consulted various CBD companies and conducted a trial run. However, the outcome of the trial run has not been revealed.


Unfortunately, you cannot run CBD ads on twitter. Twitter has banned advertising for all herbal drugs and illicit substances. The move locks out CBD ads completely. However, it does not mean that you cannot use Twitter to boost your marketing efforts. The advertisement policy is only applicable to paid ads.

Notably, you can post some information about new products and link them to your online store or website. Publishing relevant and informative information will be appreciated by the cannabis community. It is important to build brand awareness through frequent posting and engagement. Nevertheless, avoid making disease or health claims regarding CBD because it may cost you your Twitter account and possible law enforcement.


Instagram policy regarding CBD ads is similar to Twitter. However, Instagram advertisers are not penalized as often as Twitter users if they advertise CBD and its associated products. Instagram does not monitor CBD ads as often as Twitter. Nonetheless, you should not risk your account with Instagram. The app can permanently shut down your account if you attempt to sell CBD. 

Instead, you should focus on posting relevant and educative content regarding CBD and then linking it to your online store. You should stay ahead of the competition by posting relevant and exciting images that will reflect your CBD brand and marketing campaign. Furthermore, you can use the ad to publish videos. Also, the ad allows users with business platforms to include direct web links through the “Story” feature and their profile bio. Learn how to use Instagram to boost your return on investment (ROI) on CBD offers.

Why Should You Earn Money From CBD Offers?

We should keep it real on this issue. Many people are sick. The number of chronic illnesses has hit an all-time high. Most people are tired of taking prescription drugs. Also, many people are searching for an alternative and natural ways of feeling, looking, and being healthy. The number of people who are open to natural remedies is growing every day. CBD is one of those products that people are developing an open-minded perspective.

You should sell things that people are interested in buying. CBD is one of those products that many people want to buy for its health benefits. CBD has become so popular that many CBD companies are springing up in different countries globally. All these companies are making profit use to the growing demand. Although CBD is not mainstream yet, it is on the right path. 

You should take advantage of the increasing demand before the market gets saturated with thousands, if not millions of CBD online affiliates. Identify the best CBD offers on ILGM, start generating traffic, and earn commission in 2020.

Ways of Generating Traffic and Making Money Online with CBD

Promoting CBD affiliate products on your online store

You can sell CBD lotions, gummies, soft gels, drops, and many other CBD products. You earn a commission by selling these products. Also, you can post your affiliate links on social media, blogs, solo ads, websites, banner ads, YouTube channels, and other places online.  

YouTube channels about CBD

You can create your own YouTube channel that provides entertaining and educational videos about CBD to engage your audience. You can talk about the health benefits associated with CBD, where CBD comes from, myths regarding CBD, and several other topics. Over five billion YouTube videos are watched in the world. Ensure that your YouTube ad is specific and engaging. Also, it should appeal to your target market.

Private labeling your CBD products

You can identify a CBD manufacturer and get a private label for your own CBD products. Also, create your own website, promote, and sell the products. Some companies even allow drop shipping so that you do not incur transportation and storage costs. 

Having a CBD themed website or blog

You can start your own website or blog and then write different articles about CBD. After you have developed sufficient traffic, recommend different CBD affiliate products. You can take advantage of CBD offers available in different keywords. To generate adequate traffic to your website, you should use keywords, such as benefits, myths, reasons, CBD, top, lotions, and many others. An e-commerce website is crucial if you desire to maximize revenue opportunities. 

Creating information products about CBD

You can compile information in different forms, such as eBooks, reports, courses, and other information products regarding CBD. Also, you can promote different affiliate links within the information products. Developing information has minimal costs, and after you generate adequate potential buyers, you can direct them to the CBD offers.

CBD Network marketing

You can build a team of hundreds or even thousands of people who can sell or use the product. You can join CBD affiliated networks and develop a network. Ultimately, you will earn commissions from each sale.

Social media

Social media is one of the most effective ways of generating traffic. There are billions of users on social media, and you could access a large audience using the platforms. However, ensure you comply with each platform's regulations about CBD.

Focusing on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is one of the most organic techniques for building a brand on the internet. Although the technique may be challenging to execute, implementation costs are often lower than alternative costs. You can consult an SEO expert and identify keywords that legal and will ensure that you generate adequate traffic. Practicing proper SEO ensures that you will be a trusted affiliate marketer in the CBD industry.

Creating Content

Content creation will play a crucial role in your SEO plan. SEO focuses on using suitable high-volume phrases and keywords throughout your web content, blog posts, product descriptions, and articles. Get in the habit of sharing your quality content on various social media platforms and observe your traffic grow! Accurately developed content will boost your credibility as an influential and authoritative affiliate marketer in the industry.

Attending Trade Shows

Word of mouth continues and has always been one of the most effective techniques of marketing. Attending trade shows in the industry will give you an opportunity to meet influential people in the industry and assess the competition. It also allows you to market yourself, show what your brand offers, and convert leads to sales. Trade shows offer you the possibility of attracting a new audience while boosting your CBD advertising strategy.

Using Influencer Marketing

You should be ready to include as many marketing strategies to your CBD campaign to boost your sales and commission. The higher the diversity of your campaign strategy, the higher your chances of attracting the target market and getting a higher commission from CBD offers. 

Influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing marketing strategies globally. Approximately 17% of companies claim that they spent about 50% of their marketing funds on influencers. However, you should ensure that the influencer ad complies with the laws and regulations.

Utilizing Email Marketing

Although email marketing is one of the oldest techniques of online marketing, it has maintained its efficiency when attracting potential customers. It attracts customers from all walks of life. Sending deals and coupons to your existing customers or newsletter subscribers is a unique way of engaging customers. It also markets your CBD products and improves customer relationships and retention.


Regardless of a large number of social networks that do not allow CBD ads, there are alternative ways of overcoming the challenge. Rather than simply asking potential customers to buy a product, you should build brand awareness and educate your audience. You can also add a link to the content that will direct users to your online store. Aggressive marketing techniques could get your business account banned.

To ensure you get a high commission from CBD offers, conduct adequate research about the risks, limits, and advantages of the CBD industry before launching a campaign. There are laws in each country and social media regarding CBD. Stay ahead of the competition by ensuring that all claims in the content are substantiated, authentic, and supported by accurate scientific evidence. 

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