Case-studies, especially on push, are one of your favorite types of content. So today we want to present you a detailed case-study on how we ran push campaigns on a CPA.House offer with Push.House traffic. We'll show you the exact creatives, landing pages, and targeting settings. on top of that, we'll explain our train of thought which might help you with the decision process when launching your own push campaigns.
Being on the affiliate market for quite some time now, we’ve had experience with almost every offer vertical and GEO combination you could have imagined: CPI dating offers somewhere in Latin America, casinos and betting in central Europe and Asia, sweepstakes in first-tier countries, crypto and ICO in eastern Europe. All of these verticals are showing great results with our push traffic, however, we wanted to test our limits with new horizons. So it was only natural that we would like to try out something interesting in an unexpected place.
So, let us present the case of Max Men and how we doubled our dinero.
- Offer: Max Men
- Geo: UAE
- Type of traffic: push ads
- Spent: 1163.59$
- Earned: 3624.00$
- Profit: 2460.41$
- ROI: 211.45%
- Period: 11.02.2021- 20.07.2021
- Affiliate Network: Push.House
Why did we choose this offer?
Having done some research on the Nutra offers and potentially well converting GEOs, we realised that Nutra offers were quite popular in GCC countries, yet quite new. The female public has shown great interest in beauty and health, weight-loss teas and gels. So it was only natural that men would also feel inclined to try out similar projects. So, this is where Max Men gel comes in.
With the price of 199 AED, our revenue from a confirmed request amounted to 12USD (which makes it more than 20% per product). A potential customer had to do just two things: fill out the request form and confirm it to the call-center.
We found this offer on CPA.House while looking for offers and networks accepting push traffic (if you want to find this offer and much more, click to see our very comprehensive review of the network, their most interesting offers with great payouts).
What was the strategy?
As we weren’t really familiar with what creatives would do the job, we went to Spy.House to see what other affiliates were using. With such a spy tool it is easier to understand what banners would be the most compelling and where you can find them (You can go to our review on Spy.House if you want to learn more).
We started off with running three creatives we felt were the most suitable for our type of traffic at the same time. This is creative A which was running with a caption:
“Women will gossip about it: +5 cm to your penis in 7 days 🍆💦 “
The unblurred image is available here. By clicking this link, you confirm that you are of legal age.
Creative B showed a different picture, however the message was (well) not that far from the previous one:
“Want them to beg you for sex? Women like big penises 😈”
The unblurred image is available here. By clicking this link, you confirm that you are of legal age.
And there comes creative C with a bit more explicit imagery and another caption:
“+5 cm in 7 days! Easy method 🍆Warning! The size can't be reversed!”
The unblurred image is available here. By clicking this link, you confirm that you are of legal age.
All of these creatives were aimed at creating a certain vision in a customer’s head, where his biggest (or tiny) insecurity was something he could actually change. You can notice that we used only pictures that showed women because after giving it a good thought we realised it was more motivating to action than just showing ‘a growing cucumber’.
However, after seeing that banners B and C were not showing a good CTR, we opted for showing just creative A for some time. Later, when we had to change the first creative, we went for banner B and then C.
What’s next?
So, we grabbed the attention of the customer and made him click on the banner and go to the landing page. How do we make him actually leave a request?
As we have already mentioned, the goal was to appeal to primitive instincts and insecurities. So we had to choose a landing that would show their dream being close to becoming a reality.
At first, we tried to pair the two landings available on the platform where we made landing A a transit landing to landing B. And it did make sense at the time.
First, the customer would be redirected to landing A which had very vivid images of what their life could be like once they purchased the product: there were explicit images of people having sex (and women extremely enjoying it), enumerating all the benefits of the product, showing photos of real people and their results after using the product. It went as far as to introduce the reviews from influential magazines like GQ, Maxim and Men’s Health. At the end it had a simple application form with blanks for a name, telephone number and address for delivery.
Landing B was not as graphic as landing A. It had a really long text that went into great detail about how vastly the customer’s life can change after using the gel. It presents an authoritative figure to listen to: a doctor.
It also had results and reviews, and a simple application form below. Nevertheless, there was a serious shortcoming: even though long texts describing the contents of the gel and its effect on the body (with some pseudo-scientific facts) should be convincing, this landing had to be turned off. Unlike landing A, it never appealed to the emotions, self-doubt which make people buy the products.
So, in the end we left only landing A with no transit page as we found it more efficient for this type of offer.
Targeting options
Since we were dealing with one country, we also tried experimenting with targeting particular areas, cities. It wasn’t really effective though: as soon as we turned off some cities, our traffic flow would suffer dramatically. Our solution was to create a blacklist of feeds and sites which improved our performance.
What’s up with the results?
We worked with the offer for a little more than five months, feeling our way through some setbacks in the meantime. After going through some optimization, we started seeing the results. So, we do believe that eventually our choice of the offer for our push traffic could be called impeccable.
Here you can see our statistics in Push.House:
And here is our statistics from CPA.House:
As you can see the CR was at 0.88% and approval rate at 19.47% (which we would deem not bad considering the type of offer). We spent $1163,59 to earn $3624 with a few simple steps and some adjustments.
With a profit of $2460.41 in several months we would definitely call this experiment quite successful. Especially, taking into consideration that it didn’t require a lot of action on our part (except for a few changes to maximize the result).
The morale would be to always try out different (sometimes odd) combinations of offers and GEOs to see for yourself how it might work out. Analyze, think it through and go for it!
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