Push Traffic In-Page Push: Social & Light Theme Skin vs. Classic Skin

The brand new Social and Light Theme Skins may surprise you in our trial run.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 52 months ago 0 87284 5 min

When it comes to working with ordinary push notifications, an advertiser usually faces two problems:

  • Fear of being banned. Google said that an update to Chrome would destroy push notifications as a traffic source. This change hasn’t been implemented yet and it's not quite clear what is going to happen in the near future.
  • Just Android and Windows. Push notifications cannot be sent to those on iOS. It's bad, a large section of a solvent audience is being lost.

In-Page Push or IPP is a push notification that works in any browser and on any iOS and macOS device. It doesn't matter what measures Google or Apple take against push notifications – In-Page Push will keep on working.  

IPP looks like classic push notifications but differs in their content. This type of notification is a mix of pop-ups and ordinary push notifications. IPP appears on the right of a website, it's displayed on a desktop, tablet, and smartphone.

The team at PropellerAds will not stand still, instead, they keep on developing and innovating. Recently, they presented two new In-Page Push skins – Social and Light Theme skins, which are currently going through a trial run. We can't stop ourselves from saying that CTR with these developments is going to be good.

Here is a small trial of what potential the new themes have in comparison to the Classic skin.

What are the new IPP themes made of?

From the very beginning, PropellerAds offers two formats of push notifications – ordinary ones and In-Page push banners. As we have already said,  In-Page push banners have an unmatched advantage – they can be displayed in any operating system including iOS. In order to develop in this area, the team released two new IPP themes. They are themes that you can use to customize your ads. Now, you can choose the Social or Light Theme skin.

The Social skin was inspired by communication with text messages wherever it may be. Verticals that operate on a one-on-one basis come across better with the Social skin, such as Dating, Games, Finance, and News.

This is what the Social skin looks like.

Case study In-Page Push

The Light Theme skin is quite neutral which allows you to try it in any niche. Still, it is worth saying that Utilities, Antiviruses, Browser Extensions, and other Software items perform especially well.  

This is what Light Theme skin looks like.

Case study In-Page Push

As for the Classic skin, it's now pre-set in all the advertising campaigns by default. It looks plain and neutral and can be easily used in any environment. 

This is what Classic skin looks like.

Case study In-Page Push

To the untrained eye, all three are not so different but those from the world of affiliate marketing understand that each vertical demands an ad hoc approach and what seems trivial may make a decisive difference. As we have already piqued your interest with the promise that new skins give higher CTR, let's move on to our In-Page Push notifications skins battle.

The first two are...

Social Skin vs. Classic Skin

We took a popular anime game from a well-known developer to test the Social skin. Push notifications themselves do a great job when they are used with this type of offer so we just assumed that the Social skin would be an extra conversion stimulant. What do you think? That had certainly been the case.


  • Landing page

Case study In-Page Push

  • Conversion type: PPL. 

Conversion is counted when a user registers and starts playing.

  • Testing period: September 11-13, 2020. 

The period seems to be too short but it showed a strong tendency. 

  • CPA rate (the payout from the CPA network): $1.00. 

Campaign settings

  • Payment model: CPC
  • Two banners, one in Classic skin, another in Social skin, were run
  • Total budget: $20


Classic skin vs. Social skin

Case study In-Page Push


  • Geo: US
  • OS Type: Desktop
  • OS: Windows
  • Device Type: Desktop
  • Push notification type: In-Page Push


So, both of them, Social and Classic banners gave the same number of impressions - 38.000. BUT, the Social skin banner showed twice the number of clicks (520 against 230) and three times more conversions (9 against 3) with a much better conversion rate. Not bad? 

The costs were the following:

  • Classic skin spent $7 for 3 conversions – $2.34 per conversion
  • Social skin spent $16 for 9 conversions – $1.75 per conversion 


Social Skin
Classic Skin
Conversion price


Having the same CPC bid, the Social skin provided the campaign with the best chance to get more clicks. It shows that the newly released Social skin can assist you in more effective budget management. Seeing the results with our small budget, just think about what results it can give with a real one.

Besides, the Social skin proved the higher CTR and the campaign with higher CTR has bigger traffic by default. So, even if you decrease the bid, you will still have good traffic volume.

The second two are...

Light Theme skin vs. Classic skin

We took a utility offer for this battle, particularly the ram cleaner, an Android utility tool. An offer is quite widely spread for the vertical. The simplicity of the creatives that seems to be a part of the standard system seems to work well. The Light Theme skin is designed for this exact purpose, so we were expecting to see really good results.


  • Landing page: 

Case study In-Page Push

  • Conversion type: Pay per Install
  • Testing period: September 11-13, 2020
  • CPA rate (the payout from the CPA network): $0.021

Campaign settings

  • Payment model: CPC
  • Two banners, one in Classic skin, another in Light Theme skin, were run
  • Total budget: $20


Case study In-Page Push


  • GEO: IN
  • OS Type: Mobile
  • OS: Android
  • OS Version: Exclude Android 2, Android 3
  • Zone Type (Push notification type): In-Page Push
  • Carrier: 3G
  • Proxy: No Proxy


Actually, it looks similar to the results we had in the first fight. Both skins showed the same number of impressions – 219,000. Again, BUT the Light Theme one surpassed the Classic skin by clicks (2700 against 1600) and by conversions (30 against 18). The CR was the same as well as the conversion price that was $0.27 for both.

Light Theme Skin
Classic skin
Conversion price


Both Light Theme and Classic skins showed the same ROI. But, the Light Theme one can boast 1.5 times higher conversion. This means that your spending with the Light Theme is not going to be less but your click and conversion rate is going to be higher. Isn't that more effective budget management?


As a result, the use of the newly released Social and Light Theme skins from PropellerAds In-Page Push showed it can help to optimize your spendings. Our spending on the test was not that big, and despite this you can see the tendency. The Social skin has the same number of impressions but it brings more clicks and better conversion and has the potential to bring the same traffic volume with a lower bid. Light Theme can also boast of higher conversion and has good potential to optimize your budget. 

Try Social and Light Theme skins right now to look at how they can boost your earnings with In-Page Push!

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