If you’re really interested in affiliate marketing and dream about achieving success in this sphere, it is of chief importance to develop a website as it is one of the most common means of running a business, especially in the intense and highly-innovative online landscape our world has transformed into. It’s necessary to note that building a website is not the only way to become an affiliate marketer, simply because there exists the possibility that people may not positively respond to your website, especially if it is not created through use of efficient design and operative tools. . In this case, you may need the guideline presented below.
Affiliate Marketing Without a Website
The most important goal is to expose your affiliate link to the right crowd, that is, the people who are more likely to be interested in what you are promoting. There exists a wide range of alternative tools which can help bolster your affiliate marketing skills. They are as follows:
1: Use of Blogs and Forums - they are great alternatives.
Blogs and forums are the easiest methods to promote your product. All you need to do is to find your customers, choose a specific product to feature and then post your affiliate link on similar blogs and forums.
A detail you should pay a lot of attention to is your audience. Their interests must coincide with what you suggest to them. Otherwise, any resulting interactions or information will be of no relative use. Choose forums connected with the product you promote!
Accordingly, your success will depend on how regularly and accurately you produce posts for your audience. In time, if done right, your audience will be fiercely loyal to you as they will then respect and trust you to provide them with quality content. As if automatically, they will be more than delighted to click links you provide them and will visit these blogs and forums more often. Try to avoid aimless posts; prioritize quality above quantity.
2: Put Your Writing Skills to Use; Attempt to Create a ‘Viral’ Product!
Challenge yourself! Try to create a viral product such as a book, compilation or any kind of written report that may contain several links to your affiliate products. So write an eBook, add some links, then introduce it to your audience. The question of additional distribution and exposure may arise at this point, so what can you do? Posting it on distribution sites such as eBay or Amazon where royalties - paid percentages per unit sold may generate a bit of revenue is one option. To gain exposure, you may contact website, forum or blog owners to share the eBook’s purchase link. Additionally, you can create campaign opportunities where your audience can win a free copy. This also generates brand exposure and interactions.
But remember, no amount of effective distribution and exposure will compensate for a book lacking in content. The content of the book you produce has to be well-stocked with not only advertisements promoting your product, but of useful and interesting information.
3: Exploit YouTube Opportunities.
YouTube has become a worldwide platform visited by billions of people every month. Can you imagine the sheer magnitude of a billion individuals? Now think about the expansive range of opportunities it gives to you personally and other affiliate marketers. The steps you can take are easy: first, purchase a quality webcam or camera, brainstorm ideas and select the most compelling, create a YouTube channel, add affiliate links to appropriate places and just get your profit!
It would be more effective if your video series is devoted to a singular theme or sphere relative to the product you promote. This small dedication persuades your viewers to click the affiliate link, especially if they are already interested in the information you provide.
Pay special attention to the rules below:
1. People triumph over money in terms of primary importance. Work diligently on your content and make it valuable to your audience.
If you don’t want to be listed as spam, change your primary focus from money to the quality of the information and video series you provide your audience. All your efforts can be wasted if your only goal is to make money. Think not only about your interests, but also that of your potential customers’.
2. Be trustworthy!
If the content of your video does not coincide with the link you insert, whether it may be the title or even the description provided, you are violating YouTube’s policies. Be very mindful of this fact to avoid any inconveniences.
In general, starting video marketing on YouTube is a risk, however this should not deter you as it is possible to avoid said risk by being honest, transparent and diligent.
Don’t be a spammer. Take an advantage of these options:
- Provide honest, informative product reviews.
- Provide instructional videos. (e.g.: if your video series is of the nutrition theme, you can create viral cookbooks, share recipes, etc.)
- Provide topical discussions. (e.g.: advice that can help viewers to keep food fresh, unusual facts about national cuisine, etc.)
Be especially careful to note on your channel that you are an affiliate marketer, you can even occasionally notify your viewers that some particular videos contains special affiliate links in your video descriptions or in some particular place. Take initiative and contact YouTube to disclose your intentions, and to check that you’ll be in the clear.
4: Post Advertisements or Reviews for Classifieds Websites
Perhaps the site ‘Craigslist’ is not ideal for the selling or buying of furniture or cars, thus, you can take an advantage of classifieds sites to show your affiliate products. Carefully think of the advertisements or reviews you wish to exhibit and then post your affiliate products with its corresponding link.
The sites below can help you to check this trick:
- http://www.usfreeads.com
- http://epage.com
- http://craigslist.com
5: Write an article via HubTool.
‘HubTool’ is an efficient way of achieving success in affiliate marketing and promotion of your product without the need of a website. In using a HubTool, you can create a mini-website, that is, a website containing just one page devoted to your subject. Here, you can openly speak about your product in your choice manner. The greatest advantage of this tool is the absence of the prerequisite of special web knowledge.
It must be said that Hub is a social-networking site, thus allowing you to attract as many people interested in your product and theme as quickly as possible.
To sign up and start creating your Hub, visit HubPages.
6: Use ‘Pay-per-Click’ Advertising to Promote Affiliate Products
The last, but certainly not least, is ‘pay-per-click’ advertising. However, to be honest, we mentioned this method at the end of our list as it is characterized by a few misgivings. First, in using this method, it’s necessary to create ‘pay-per-click’ campaigns via Google and Bing, so you simultaneously promote the merchant website while using your own affiliate link.
It’s not the best idea to share your audience with the merchant when you could focus all your audience’s attention to yourself. Moreover, it is a risk to use a merchant site as in some cases they host useless or poor quality content, which you have no control over. This can either hurt your image in the eyes of your audience or stall potential customers. Regardless of the amount of money invested or amount of faith placed in this method, there is a high probability of a lack of results.So, we stress vigilance with the last method we have described; it is safer and better assured if you choose methods one through five (1-5).
In this guide you were introduced to several effective methods of promoting your affiliate product using links without building any special website. Summarily, they are:
- Posting on blogs and forums.
- Creation of an eBook or another ’viral’ product.
- Creation of a YouTube channel.
- Advertisements or reviews for classified websites.
- Use of HubTool articles.
- Pay-per-Click advertisements.
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