Push traffic has a double reputation; On the one hand, they are the best traffic sources in tier-2/3 countries, and this is often what attracts affiliate marketers. You can take out public offers with low EPC: low payout and high CR (utilities), high payout and low CR (gambling).
But what about tier-1 countries like the US, CA, UK and more? Often the people using push traffic there do not earn a profit because of the prejudices about the high cost, and if they sell cheap and it will be a loss.
Perhaps it will be so when the push market is fully formed, but at the moment it is still at the stage of active growth and the emergence of many fresh converting bases, therefore there is still no market economy. Therefore, in tier-1, it’s realistic to get good quality, despite the fact that this traffic really costs a couple of times more than the average.
Below is a short experiment confirming this idea.
Walmart - $ 1000 gift card
Offer - Traditional sweepstakes, US Walmart card for $ 1,000.
Payment on the offer - $ 2.4 for the lead, took it in the affiliate program Finaff, which until recently was private. However, there is no special exclusivity in the offer, there are many similar ones in other affiliate programs with different conditions.
There was another pre-lander, but unfortunately, I can’t show it because I am still using.
How to merge
In this case, the source is Evadav. Of the advantages, it is possible to note a large private base and the possibility of targeting new subscribers.
I filled a couple of dozen of creatives, in the end, these three were successful:
The best result in ROI showed the first because the user already was registered for push traffic and saw the desired prize, the only thing left was to pick up.
What happened?
In the 3-week grid, we tested a number of RoK in search of CTR creatives, as a result, they spent $ 2553 with a cost per click of about 0.04-0.045 $ (this is now the market price for all grids).
From this traffic received 1783 leads for the amount of $ 4272:
The total profit: $ 1719, ROI: 67%.
This is amount is nothing for the United States in three weeks, but otherwise, it would not have appeared here.
So do not hesitate to use top countries in the push traffic, as long as it costs does lead to a loss.
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