insights West Africa nutra dating offers ‘In West Africa, it's much easier to sell anything related to health,’ — an African Entrepreneur on the Local Healthcare Market and Affiliate Marketing

An African entrepreneur shares his insights on what is going on in terms of nutraceuticals in West Africa. This might be of help for affiliates and webmasters.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 2 months ago 0 2003 8 min

Africa has been increasingly attracting attention from affiliates and webmasters worldwide in recent years. The continent's population is steadily growing due to high birth rates. In 2023, the population increased by approximately 36.8 million people, and it is expected to rise by another 37.8 million in 2024.

The number of internet users is also on the rise: according to Statista, the number of users in 2024 is projected to reach 476 million and will continue to grow.

"Nutraceuticals" is one of the most promising verticals in this market — covering medical supplies, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and vitamins. In affiliate marketing terms, it's known as "nutra."

In this interview, we'll talk to Robert — a successful entrepreneur from Côte d'Ivoire, Africa. We asked him about the specifics of the local healthcare market, which types of products are most popular in Africa, and what opportunities exist for affiliates in this segment. We've decided to share some of his answers with you.

How people are treated in Africa

In West Africa, countries like Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Mali, and others within the ECOWAS region, approximately 95% of the population use Western medicine if they have money. 

Unfortunately, our country lacks free healthcare. If you don't have money, you won't receive assistance. Therefore, many people turn to traditional medicine. Our women and mothers use herbs, natural ingredients, vitamins, and dietary supplements to maintain their health.

In Southern Africa, for example, in countries like South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and others, medical services are provided free of charge. There are local pharmaceutical manufacturers who produce medicines locally and rely minimally on imports. However, even in these countries, people still use traditional remedies and herbs to maintain their health. Our women also embrace new health products and continually invent new recipes. Nevertheless, due to the expensive cost of medicine, falling ill remains a luxury not everyone can afford.

Overall, according to WHO data, at least 80% of people in Africa still rely on medicinal plants for their healthcare. In Nigeria, as well as across West Africa, herbal medicine continues to gain popularity. The advantages of herbal medicine include low cost, affordability, accessibility, acceptability, and apparently low toxicity.

Advertising of medicines and dietary supplements

Africans often gather information through word of mouth from friends, acquaintances, and trusted individuals. If someone discovers a new medication they like, it quickly spreads among their network. People seek guidance from bloggers, doctors they know, and even celebrities such as singers and actors for various health-related concerns.

In terms of TV shows, "Healthy Living" is popular here. It airs every week for 15 minutes, focusing on health with an emphasis on prevention and tips for achieving overall well-being. The show also provides advice on basic hygiene practices, fitness routines, and healthy eating. 

"Africa Health" is a magazine that has been published since 1978. The vast majority of its readers, especially those living in Africa, receive "Africa Health" free of charge, without any subscription fee. Donor support and advertising revenue enable the magazine to continue operating at its current pace. It serves as a valuable source of up-to-date and practical medical information.

In West Africa, it's easier to sell anything related to health due to a more open market compared to Southern Africa. Southern African countries have a more saturated market with a wide variety of medications available. However, the market for vitamins and dietary supplements is actively growing and developing despite existing competition.

Popularity of sports

Regarding the popularity of sports in Africa, it holds significant cultural significance. It serves not only as entertainment and leisure but also as a reminder of culture and traditions, a means of fostering unity and peace, and an opportunity to appease gods. There are numerous traditional sports linked to the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples. These sporting practices have historically been essential for community cohesion, demonstrating warrior prowess, and providing leisure activities.

We have many people actively engaging in sports here, including running, football, and other physical exercises. However, due to a lack of well-equipped gyms, few of our residents actually visit such places.

In the case of sports injuries, people typically turn to either traditional medicine or medical remedies. Natural ingredients are highly valued in these remedies, such as shark liver oil, which has been known for centuries as a folk remedy for wound healing.

Muscle growth products are not widely spread in Africa, and few of our men are aware of them or use them. Instead, they focus on maintaining their health and consuming natural and healthy food.

I believe investing in gyms would be a great idea! (laughs)

Popular medical products

Some of the most well-known ones are the Neem tree, used for treating skin diseases, and Moringa, beneficial for digestion and the intestines. Thevetia peruviana is used for treating external wounds and swellings, while the leaves of Leonotis nepetifolia are brewed into tea for fever, cough, and malaria.

Various natural oils — like shark liver oil, for instance, which is found in our popular product Fixinol — are used for treating back and knee pain.

Additionally, Africans place a lot of trust in ginger! We drink pure ginger juice and consider it extremely beneficial for health. Firstly, it positively affects potency. And it's also... how should I put it... an aphrodisiac! (laughs) Secondly, it boosts immunity and helps prevent frequent illnesses.

How African women take care of their bodies

African girls consistently take care of their appearance. They pay attention to their clothing, grooming, and strive to stay slim and attractive.

Due to natural conditions, African women often have oily skin. Beautiful skin is a symbol of youthfulness, so women take various measures to care for it. Among natural remedies, women prefer raffia palm oil and coconut oil. Sometimes they mix castor oil with animal fat, adding ginger root, redwood, and herbs.

Those who can afford cosmetic products actively use them. Teenage girls, for example, are particularly concerned about breakouts. My daughter has tried many different ways to deal with them. For several years now, she has been ordering Cleartonix. It's made with shea butter, extracted from the shea tree — also known as shea tree oil. It's a good cream composition.

There are other products as well, but I can't recall their names right now. Men also keep up and take care of their bodies. (laughs)

Skin whitening products

In West Africa, there is almost a complete absence of skin bleaching creams and products, but for us, this is an important and relevant topic, especially for women. Therefore, skin lightening products could become extremely popular among Africans. This is connected to historical factors such as colonialism and slavery, where white people were associated with high status and black people with low status. Many people strive to have lighter skin to achieve social recognition and success. However, it's important to note that they don't necessarily want to be "white"; their ideal result is to become mulatto.

However, remember that many of these products can be harmful to health as they contain harmful chemicals. In some products, for instance, the mercury content exceeds the norm by 100 times. They can lead to skin diseases, so I advise carefully checking the products you want to promote.

There are natural remedies that can lighten the skin — such as licorice root extract, for example.

When choosing a skin lightening product, ingredients like these inspire confidence. Currently, we have the popular cream BibiWhite, which is actively advertised and recommended, possibly due to its composition.


In conditions where access to medical drugs is limited, the population of West Africa actively turns to the use of dietary supplements and nutraceuticals. Africans have a high level of trust in natural ingredients — they often create their own medicines from them and prefer to see them included in commercial products. This characteristic, combined with the active growth of online users, makes West Africa an excellent GEO  for nutra traffic monetization.

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