Affiliate Marketing Living Proof of Success: Profile of Charles Ngo

Watch and Learn. Practical course on how to raise money from the distinguished representative of the affiliate marketing industry.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 72 months ago 0 9244 14 min

Meet #1 Expert in the Affiliate Marketing Industry. The whole world learns from him how to successfully make money in the affiliate marketing. Thanks to his expertise he has been invited as a speaker and an honored guest to the top conferences in the sphere of affiliate marketing. Meet Charles Ngo.

He made his first million off the affiliate marketing in 2007. The ingenuity that helps him to predict the digital marketing trends so accurately has been surprising tens of thousands of experts all over the world and makes affiliates of all levels to listen to his advice. He continues working with his team, holds training and keeps a blog. Here we prepared for you the profile of the most successful affiliate who is so eager to share his knowledge with both newbies and sharks of the affiliate marketing.

Why Affiliate Marketing

Instead of empty talking on how profitable affiliate marketing may be and why it is a good way of making business online we propose you 4 ‘MORE’ by Charles Ngo that can easily explain why you should now start your first advertising campaign:


From Where an Affiliate Shall Start

Charles Ngo suggests you asking yourself the following questions. The answers will help you to understand what is your starting point and what you will need to move forward.

1. How Much Money Can You Invest? More money means more sources for your development in the affiliate marketing. If you have enough money, you can attend special events devoted to the affiliate marketing industry, in frames of the greatest of them you will probably meet our hero Charles Ngo.

2. What skills,k abilities, and experience do you already have? Of course, you can hire people for any kind of job but instead of spending funds, Charles always advises to develop your own abilities and to gain personal experience. He also adds that copywriting is a basic need for the affiliate marketing.

3. Do you have somebody to assist you? It is not necessarily the mentor that will help you on each stage of your work. Think about gaining knowledge from all possible sources. Local affiliate conferences, meetings, forums - all this will play right.

4. How much time and effort are you ready to put in? Probably, it is the most important question as everything depends not only on your willingness but on the real things you do.

I didn’t have a lot of time when I first started, but I made time. I was spending 1.5 hours a day in Atlanta traffic. I moved to a condo walking distance to my 9 to 5 job to save 70 minutes a day. I gave up a lot of my personal life. I didn’t party on the weekends, go on dates, or play video games anymore. Any free time I had was dedicated to affiliate marketing.

What Niche an Affiliate Shall Choose 

Profile of Charles Ngo

In his guide, Charles mentions the following niches:

  • Dating
  • Mobile
  • Gaming
  • Insurance
  • Competitions
  • Weight loss products

Not to gel lost we suggest you read our article on Top Affiliate Marketing Niches in 2019.

The Perfect Affiliate: What Is It Like?

Here you have the list of personality traits the perfect affiliate should have.

  • Creativity & Marketing
  • Problem-solving & Decision Making
  • Technical
  • People Skills
  • Data Analysis
  • Money Management
  • Productivity
  • Leadership

If you don’t recognize yourself in the description, don’t you dare to step back. As Charles Ngo said ‘The good news is all these skills can be developed’. It is not what you have to be like right now. These are the orienting points you should strive to.

Best Strategy for a Newbie

If I were a newbie, what would I be doing? I think that – honestly – a big part of it has to do with your budget. If you have a really small budget, that limits the kind of campaigns you can run. Instead of focusing on verticals, I’ve always believed that it’s better to focus on traffic sources. And I think that I would definitely focus on either mobile or Facebook traffic.

Research is a key condition for the success and we are glad to inform you that we have already made a research on the Top-100 Traffic Sources for the Affiliate Marketing. You will find them here

Plan of Action to Organize a Profitable Advertising Campaign

Profile of Charles Ngo

Don’t go to war without a game plan.

Here you have a detailed plan of action from the most successful affiliate of recent years. Charles is going to tell you what are the necessary steps of the profitable advertising campaign.

1. Decide what and how to promote

First, test a number of traffic sources and choose the one most convenient for you. Then, decide what kind of offers you are going to promote.

Charles suggests staying with one and the same traffic source and elaborating it to the full scale. It is better not to jump from one to another traffic source. Testing one and another is good but never forget it is not possible to sit on two chairs.

2. Study the offer

What does make successful and not successful affiliate differ? The latter will launch a campaign and wait for a miracle. The first will certainly do a large amount of research that will consist of the following main points kindly distinguished by Charles.

  • Spying - You are certainly not the only one to run this or that campaign. Spy on both small and big projects. Select, modify, and compile.
  • Communicate with your manager - Their work is to give you some pieces of advice. Don’t be shy to ask questions. Managers can be extremely helpful as they watch the situation from a higher level than you.
  • Research the offer from all possible angles: research the audience, learn more about the niche.
  • Testing – If an offer is exclusive to one network, there’s not much to do beyond this. If it is not, why not to try it with a few different networks. Split-testing of affiliate networks is highly recommended even if it’s the exact same offer.

3. Plan

Don’t go to war without a game plan. The more detailed your plan is the fewer surprises will occur in your way. We understand it is impossible to predict everything, but you should try. 

4. Be creative

Creativity is the force for progress.

  • Brainstorm headlines, and ad text
  • Be in a constant search for good pictures for your add
  • Design the landing pages

5. Backend/Campaign setup

The very technical side of advertising campaigns is no less important. Here you have the list of necessary technical components:

  • Tracking Server – Never launch campaigns without proper tracking. Charles himself uses Voluum. Moreover, he has already developed a guide on how to work in it.
  • Webhost – Remember that you need a VPS as a minimum.
  • Domain – Get something at NameCheap, and pay the extra $2 for WHOIS protection.
  • Landing pages – An advice from Charles on how to speed up the work: keep your landing pages on a different server from your tracking server.

There’s also the “front end” side.

  • Ads Uploading that may take much time if we are speaking about such highly regulated traffic sources as Google and Facebook
  • Funding the account/signing invoices
  • Tracker setup

6. Launch and data collection

Launch a new campaign with a really small test (<$50) to make sure all the tracking links and Facebook pixels are working properly. It’s better to take the time to make sure everything works instead of losing a few thousand dollars because of small technical errors. At this stage, the goal is to collect data. It’s important to have statistically significant data before you start making decisions.

7. Split-testing

Campaign optimization is the process that highly depends on split testing. Compare ads on different factors and define which are the best. Don’t spend money on useless campaigns. Split tests will show in practice what works for you.

8. Analysis

You collect real data for a good reason - further to conduct the analysis. Ask and answer questions to yourself. That is going to help you to monitor the entire process.

9. Keep on growing


  • more traffic sources (expand but to similar traffic sources, don't spread yourself too thin) 
  • more countries (translate your ads and cross the borders but don’t forget that similar language doesn’t make the situation in the market similar as well)
  • more placements = more websites
  • more ad sizes (don’t use one and the same pattern - try things out)

10. Don’t rest on your laurels

This is what separates the best from the rest. Once someone starts making money from a campaign, they get distracted. They get lazy. 

One thing I’ve learned from working on thousands of campaigns is that shit happens.

Tools & Resources to Assist an Affiliate

Affiliate’s life is not the easiest one. Thanks to developers there are some tools to help an affiliate in his everyday work. Here you have the applications that Charles Ngo advises to use. 

There are a lot of different tools out there. Number one is obviously the spy tool. AdPlexity is really good. Another thing I like to do is I like to do the audience and offer research. I do a lot of Google Trends and Google Insights to see what people are searching for. Another tool I really like to use is Facebook Audience Insights. Even if you’re not a Facebook Marketer, it doesn’t matter. You can type in the vertical. Let’s say you’re targeting iPhone users. You’re trying to search the pages, search iPhone users in the Audience Tool and see what else do they like. You can find sister angles or cousin angles. Those tools are really good.

Choice of Traffic

Freebie still seems to be more attractive? Charles believes paid traffic has something to offer as well. For example,

  1. Instant Results. You could launch a campaign today, and see if it’s profitable within hours.
  2. You’re not depending on one company.
  3. You can make a lot more money faster from paid traffic.

The top guys in affiliate marketing can make the 5-figures profit in a single day (even 6-figures).

Coming closer to the ads themselves Charles has some tips for you as well.

3 Biggest Copywriting Tips

1. People buy things for their benefits, not for features. Tell people why they win when buying what you offer.

2. Use the Life Force 8 from Cashvertising

People are psychologically and physiologically organized in such a way that their perfect life is made of the following components:

  • Survival, enjoyment of life, life extension.
  • Enjoyment of food and beverages.
  • Freedom from fear, pain, and danger.
  • Sexual companionship.
  • Comfortable living conditions.
  • To be superior, winning, keeping up with the Joneses.
  • Care and protection of loved ones.
  • Social approval.

So, your advertising campaign should be targeted at as more points as possible. One is a critical minimum.

3. Keep a swipe file.

Inspiration is something you cannot switch on at once. Charles suggests having a special folder to save all the things that catch your eye: bright ads, cool pictures, biggest headlines. etc. 

Top 4 Headline Formulas 





Coming to the conclusion, we would like to echo Charles’ recommendations on how to behave in case of failure. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Launch a campaign, learn from it, and repeat. That’s how it works with affiliate marketing. Your first campaigns will suck and lose money. But everyone who has been successful in this industry has gone through that point. So the mindset that helped me the most is to fail twice as fast. Failure is something that should be embraced, not avoided. Falling means you took action, and you tested a hypothesis. It doesn’t work, now find another path.

Get Over Your Fear of Losing Money

There’s a psychological principle called loss aversion. It hurts more to lose $100 than it feels pleasurable to gain $200. We’re programmed to avoid risk. But we can reinstall the programme, can’t we?

Be Patient

It is the patience that defines success. 

Here you have the real model of success in the sphere of the affiliate marketing, take it, use it, make money and tell us about your achievements!

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