Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Marketing Basics: Day 2 - Finding Content And Setting Up Format For Your Website

Do you want to start running a business online as an affiliate marketer but still afraid of it? Spend just 7 days on preparation thanks to our everyday guide and steal the show!
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 71 months ago 0 6444 4 min


Day 2 Objective: Finding content and setting up format for your website

Filling your website with an interesting content of a good quality is one of the most important steps on the way to success in online business. Remember that every person can find the content that interests him or her most. So, if you don't provide people with a good content, they would go and find another one. Work hard. We all know that writing skills development takes time. However it's not necessary to write inspiring dramatic text containing thousands beautiful words. All you have to do is to know how to communicate with people with different mindsets and different needs. Your communication skills and the content is much more important for your audience than anything else.

Moreover, you can find someone who will be able to work on the content of your website, too. Nowadays it's a very simple task and you do not have to spend a lot money for hiring a writer. 

Obviously, this person must know a lot about your niche or at least must have a big interest in studying it and developing his knowledge. Be sure that you and the writer get on well to make your cooperation productive.

Remember that you'll get a feedback (such as comments, referrals, social shares and, of course, money) in the proportion to what you give to your audience. 

To be sure that the content is interesting for people, it would be a good idea to use free surveys from time to time. Moreover, thanks to it you'll know about the sides of your website or business in general that need some kind of improvement. 

Always remember that your main goal is to become a pro in the niche you choose. Be consistent and trustworthy so as your audience could broaden day by day. Make people believe you and come back to your site again and again. 

Your Site Content


Probably you're still afraid of starting your own business online and it's okay. It's always difficult to start doing something you never did before. And probably you are afraid of not being able to find a time even to fill your website with the content of a high quality just because you may be still working in the office to make end meet. 

But don't worry. We know some strategies that may be helpful for you. Let's try to figure out the difference between them and choose what will be more effective and easier for you to start. 

Strategy 1: Content curation

Curation represents the process when you manually surf the Internet resources trying to find content connected to your subject by yourself. Here we can include different articles on a particular theme, reports, reviews and everything that may be useful, interesting and informative for your readers.

Strategy 2: Content aggregation

Aggregation represents another way of content curation because it is performed with the help of automated methods.

It gives you an opportunity to syndicate the content of different marketers mostly targeted by keywords and phrases connected with your subject.

To say the truth we highly recommend you to pay more attention to the first strategy in case that you don't have enough free time to keep the business running. If you decide to use content curation, don't forget about adding your own ideas and thoughts to the information you find. Analyze it, state your opinion and then it will work.

That's why these two strategies differ from each other. 

To make your website appealing to your audience, you don't have to to agree with all the information that already exists. Don't be afraid of being noticeable, be an author of your website, make corrections in what the Internet suggests you. 

Be ready to spend a lot of time working on the content, because it will demonstrate your acquaintance with the subject. 

Follow other affiliate marketers of your niche and study their work to get something useful from it, too. But do not take it as the only truth in the world. Have your own opinion and thoughts towards the subject. 

Follow this advice and you will be able to to get your readers and followers who can also share your content and then more traffic will be brought to your website. 

Strategy 3: Your own original content

For sure, it is the best way to create a content for your website but, obviously, in this case you'll need much more time and much more work. 

At the same time it's a good chance for you to show your knowledge to your audience and become trustworthy for people who read you. 


To learn this information in detail and to see by yourself how it works, please, click the link and watch the video provided.

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