Affiliate Marketing Automatic optimization. Does it work or not?

Don't trust automatic optimization? Let's figure out whether it is effective or not.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 45 months ago 0 107016 3 min

Many affiliates have heard about automatic optimization. And they have a completely logical question: "Is it worth trusting modern optimization technologies or not?" 

Today we are going to try to understand the advantages of this resource and see how the effectiveness of advertising campaigns increases with optimization. Also, we’ll give advice on when you should use automatic optimization and when it is worth setting up an advertising campaign manually. 

So, if you want to know how to make your job easier while creating more effective campaigns, read this article!

Automatic optimization - what you should know about it

We will consider the automatic optimization process using the example of the Propeller advertising network.

The team at Propeller constantly monitor trends, introduce new technologies and never stop improving their network. It is important for them that partners become more comfortable and profitable working in affiliate marketing. They recently implemented two different features that help their partners automatically improve their campaigns and reduce the amount of work they need to do.

These in-house auto-optimization features include:

  • CPA Goal 2.0

Affiliates can automatically set bids, increase conversions in line with the target price and eliminate zones of inefficiency to improve campaign performance with this feature. CPA Goal is available for push notifications and pop-up ads.

  • Target CPA

Target CPA excludes traffic segments that aren’t performing well and are available for CPM and CPC campaigns on Push and Interstitials. It should be noted that the Target CPA doesn’t control bids. It excludes zones according to the rules you set.

But don't think that automatic optimization means absolutely no space for improvement and testing. Your marketing potential and creativity also play a big role here.

You still need to put some effort for the automatic optimization to work. You must constantly analyze the results of your ad campaigns and update your settings. Also, you need a good tracker. Because the auto-optimization algorithm won't work unless you are using a reliable tracking platform. In this case, automatic optimization simply won't work.

Automatic optimization

When you should use automatic optimization

Let's take a look at the benefits of automatic optimization and situations in which you shouldn't use this feature.

Should use
Shouldn’t use
It becomes difficult for you to manually optimize companies due to their large number
You have a complicated conversion flow (expensive conversions)
You don't want to pay for poor ad zones
If you are targeting low-quality conversions of GEOs
If you are testing new offers

You have a limited budget and don't want to waste it

So why should you try automatic optimization?

  • To improve efficiency 

An automatic optimization algorithm may not be ideal. But it’s like an extra brain that performs all the routine operations that need to be done. These features work around the clock, so they detect patterns and analyze data 24 hours a day. Essentially, automatic optimization sets the stage for easier manual optimization.

  • To save money 

CPA Goal and Target CPA will stop serving your ads for non-revenue ad placements as soon as the template is developed. This will help you not waste your entire budget.

  • To plan your budget efficiently

You choose a target price for each conversion when you set up automatic optimization. This allows you to stay in control of your budget and stay within your limits.

The campaign can run on its own as soon as the process of machine learning is finalized and the algorithm is out of the testing period. It means that your efforts would be focused mainly on improving creatives rather than trying to manually optimize bids and zones now. 

When you shouldn't turn to automatic optimization

  • When you have complex flows and similar scenarios 

Low conversions come as a result of complex conversion processes or if you are promoting an expensive offer. Therefore, the auto-optimizer’s learning period will be increased and will cost more. In this case, it would be more beneficial to run campaigns with Target CPA.

  • Low-quality GEO conversions

Since the algorithm determines the volume of conversion and not their quality, it will only increase traffic from these places. Even if leads are not what you are looking for. Therefore, automatic optimization is not the best.

To sum up

Don't be afraid of automatic optimization. The main thing is to understand its goals and use it correctly. We advise you to use the automatic optimization features at PropellerAds to maximize the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. With this feature, you will save your budget and increase your conversion rate several times! 

Find more infornation in PropellerAds blog >>  

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