Google Ads Affiliate Marketing How to run offers with Google Ads?

Today we are going to tell you an unusual success story. Affiliate made money using… Google Ads!
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 71 months ago 0 6542 4 min

We continue to share our affiliates’ cases with you to show you that it is possible to make a good profit with our network. Today we are going to tell you an unusual success story. Why unusual? There is no push-traffic, no Facebook. Our affiliate made money using… Google Ads!

Want to know how? Let’s give him the word.

  • CPA network: AdCombo
  • Offer: Motion Free
  • GEO: NL, BE
  • Traffic Source: Google Ads
  • Ad Spend: $3277
  • Revenue: $7712
  • Profit: $4435

In the middle of July, I and my affiliate-mates have found a scheme for buying Google traffic and quick Google Ads accounts registration. So we, without a second thought, started testing different offers in Europe and Asia. One of the networks we tried was AdCombo.

We’ve contacted a manager, found out what offer worth trying and started the testing. Some offers worked pretty well and one of them was Motion Free in NL, BE.

For the most part, I tested ContextMedia and almost didn’t use Search Ads. It was the time when you could use text ads (without pictures) and easily pass the Google-bot moderation.

Audience: men and women, 45+

Devices: Mobile phones and tablets

I made about 5 ad groups in one campaign, each with different keywords. So I used 2 keywords and 1-2 ads in each group.

Some of the keywords I used: knee pain, osteochondrosis (or OCD), massage, etc.

After a while, I’ve optimized my campaigns and have decreased the range of age, demography, and keywords. Then I have added a few ad places – some websites and apps have had very interesting results.

In the end, I’ve come to the most profitable criteria of the target audience: men, 55+. By the way, I also left “Unknown” age – it had a good ROI as well.

Speaking of ads – I used only text ones and tried to reduce the use of the forbidden words. Translate service has helped me to make a text-only version. And this is the main reason why Google didn’t ban my accounts right away.

I had 4 accounts that have successfully passed the moderation and were able to run ads. Other accounts I made have been blocked by Google. So I decided not to complicate things and left it at that. My best account has spent more than $1100!

Pay your attention to the budget. Even if your account gets blocked, the budget keeps increasing. It happens because of the automatic rules. I used them to raise my daily budget by 13% every day. I didn’t do it by myself – it may cause freezing my account. So I raised my daily budget and could buy more traffic – easy-breezy.

In the end, AdCombo has increased the payout for me to $23.5 – a nice bonus, taking into account that the approval rate for this offer is 67%.

So, what can I say?

I didn’t make much effort – checked out my campaign in the morning just to edit something. The automation played a key role in my profit. I mean, raising the number of accounts and daily budget.

Finding the cheapest target audience by age, geo, etc – that’s what brings a profit. If you just started buying the traffic, pay your attention to the criteria that may lower the cost per click. So the ad spend gets lower and you get more profit 😉

Source: Adcombo blog

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