google UAC clickdealer dating How to make $1500 a week running dating with Google UAC

Affiliate Valley shares how you can make over $1500 weekly by implementing this case study shared by a veteran webmaster who successfully ran a dating campaign with UAC on the ClickDealer platform.
Affiliate Valley Affiliate Valley 31 months ago 0 24128 10 min

Affiliate Valley shares how you can make over $1500 weekly by implementing this case study shared by a veteran webmaster who successfully ran a dating campaign with UAC on the ClickDealer platform. Here’s how he does it:

Today, I will show you a way to run dating with Google UAC, beginning with an explanation of what Google UAC, moving on to campaign setup, and finally my personal results.


Google UAC is a Google Ads segment dedicated to promoting Google Play ads with a massive pool of placements available for advertising. The advantage of using it over, for example, push traffic, is a huge leap in traffic quality over all other formats.

What do I need to start working with Google UAC?

Here are the main things you will need to get started:

1) Google account

Creating a Google Ads account using your personal Google account is fine starting out (that's what I did), but you will need way more accounts for scaling, so it's better to either buy farmed accounts or rent them.

2) Google Play app

It's pretty simple: you can either ask your network for an app or get your own. The main difference between those options is the $150-200 price tag on custom apps and the possibility of downtime while your network looks for a replacement in case their app gets banned.

3) Anti-detect browser or proxy

You will need these tools when you work with bought Google Ads accounts. If you are using your own or your friends' accounts, that will not be necessary. I personally use Indigo, but there are tons of other viable options.

4) Credit card

It's a pretty obvious one, as you will need a credit card to pay for ads on Google Ads. It's important to know that you can't link your credit card to more than 2 Google Ads accounts.

Getting started

First, you will need to get to our Google Ads control panel, so log in to our Google account and find Google Ads:

Google will immediately offer to launch a smart campaign. Skip that and move on to the overview page.

Now you need to link a credit card to your account. You can do it by clicking "Settings" in the "Billing" menu.

Next, choose "Payment Methods" and link the card.

Launching the warmup campaign

To prevent Google from banning the account for suspicious activity right away, you need to warm up the account. That is achieved by launching a smart campaign with a $10-20 budget on a trusted marketplace like Amazon. That will get your account's trust rating where we need it to be. Here is what the setup looks like:

Enter the "Campaigns" screen, press "+" and choose "New campaign".

Next, follow the steps on the screenshots:

Fill the following fields with something random:

Enter the link to a random Amazon (or any other marketplace) seller's ad.

Uncheck the following box and proceed.

Add a couple of keywords on the next screen.

Choose a random Geo to run.

Choose the recommended budget.

Check the ad, make sure the campaign is set up, and leave it to run for a few days.

Launching a Google UAC campaign

The first thing you need to know when launching a campaign is what Geo you are running. I chose Germany.

Press "+" and choose "New Campaign" in the "Campaigns" menu and choose "App promotion" on the page that pops up.

Enter the tail end of your Google Play app link into the "Look up your app" field.

The next step is all setup. Choose your Geo, language, budget (I recommend starting with $20-$50 and doubling it daily), and uncheck the "Set a target cost per install" in the "Bidding" menu to maximize the amount of installs.

Next up, uploading the creatives. They should be as native as possible and match the app's design. Here are some examples:

After the app makes it through moderation, optimize your creatives and make sure to incrementally increase your budget every day.

My results

Spend: $1496.74

Revenue: $3044.4

ROI: 103%

Profit: $1547.66

You read to the end! Congrats! ClickDealer has a special bonus just for you, our dear Affiliate Valley reader. Simply tap on this link, register an account, and you will receive 10 free apps to try and top the results of this case study!

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